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Battle of the Atom and a Serenity "Upgrade"

Last year, I dropped All-New X-Men due to double-shipping and the $3.99 price point. However, I was quite interested in this Battle of the Atom thing crossing through several of the X-books late last year. I very nearly bought the story in singles…but I held out for the hardcover.


While I had figured–given other similar volumes–that the book would be at LEAST $29.99, if not $34.99 or a whopping $39.99. There are 10 issues in the volume, so even assuming the collected volume would cost “full single issues price,” I figured $39.99 would be the high end. Ridiculously enough, this rather skinny volume carries a MASSIVE $49.99 cover price! Fortunately, I got it for half-off; a “mere” $25. But at least it’s something I definitely want to read sooner than not…it’s not going to sit around waiting to be read like (too many) massively-DISCOUNTED volumes do.

I also recently passed along my original edition Serenity graphic novels to a friend who was interested in the comics, knowing she’d enjoy them, and it provided me with a perfect “excuse” to upgrade to the hardcovers.


Though I’d originally intended to snag the books back in December, I ended up holding off a few weeks before finally “pulling the trigger” and ordering them. As it worked out, ordering these alongside X-Men: Battle of the Atom, one way of looking at the pricing is that I either got the X-Men volume “free” by buying these, or got all three Serenity volumes “free” for buying the X-Men volume.

X-Men: Battle of the Atom [Checklist]

X-Men Battle of the Atom # 1
All-New X-Men # 16
X-Men # 5
Uncanny X-Men # 12
Wolverine & the X-Men # 36

All-New X-Men # 17
X-Men # 6
Uncanny X-Men # 13
Wolverine & the X-Men # 37
X-Men Battle of the Atom # 2



source: promotional postcard (pictured above)