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The Weekly Haul: Week of December 22, 2021


Closing in on the fiiiiiiinal haul of the year! Here’s a look at yet another huuuuuuge week’s haul!


The Trial of Magneto #5 wraps up this mini-series jusssst shy of the new year. Wolverine #19 and SWORD #11 I believe ALSO wrap the current volumes, with renumbering/relaunching with stuff in 2022.

New issues this week for Amazing Spider-Man #82 continuing the Beyond thing; Phoenix Song Echo #3 continuing the theft/plundering/appropriating of X-stuff to the Avengers side of things. And Wastelanders Hawkeye is….there. (Still hunting down the Wolverine issue from the previous week!)

Rounding out the Marvel stuff, I happened to look at the Venom #3 cover and saw that it lacked a certain NAME on the cover. Ok…so, if that name was JUST on the #1–that I already bought when I mixed it up with Hulk a few weeks back–then I’ll give in and give the series a few more issues since I’m not avoiding it for the social media practices of its writer. And I’m not even sure why I’m getting Black Panther except to "support" a title that does NOT feel like its writer is overhyped or "stunt"-assigned.


I love that we have a whole family of Spawn books now…though I’m curious as to just how long McFarlane & co. will keep it up. I’d have to "research" to see what the longest-running other "side series" was for a companion piece to the main Spawn, but I have a feeling these are already putting a decent-sized dent into things.

Radiant Black continues to get by on strength of its writer’s name for me, and supporting his NON-Boom, non-MMPR work.

Walking Dead Deluxe continues; as does IDW‘s TMNT; and managed to get the second issue of the new Haunted High-Ons mini.

While I’m mentally "OVER" DC at this point, I’m already "invested" in this Batman Catwoman series for better or worse; ditto the Batman Scooby-Doo Mysteries. Total "obligation" or "OCD" buys both…and I’m not even sure about reading either at this point! Yet again, rather sad to note that a mere 5 years ago I was basically all-in on DC and now it’s just my own OCD finishing out limited runs on a couple books that has me buying ANYthing AT ALL from them.

The Conan the Barbarian facsimile edition #1 is from a week or two back; had to get it online as it was unavailable locally.


I also hit back-issue bins and came up with a "random" issue of the ’90s What If..? series…the cover grabbed me. I’ve long been a fan of this iteration of the Iron Man armor, with those cables in the neck…not sure WHY, it’s just always grabbed me! And I’d swear I already had the X-Men ’92 issue, but it was still on my list, so I figured fine, get it (again, maybe) just to make darned sure so I can get it OFF my "missing issues" list!

And of course, Comic Shop News…amazingly still going, and at this point the ONLY still-published, continuously-numbered periodical in North America that actually goes back to the early-’90s…

One more week’s haul to go to complete 2021. And that’ll be the usually-small week falling on the Wednesday between Christmas and New Year.


A (solo) Birthday Trip and Haul

Getting older is a mixed thing. On one hand, I feel "old" and "older every year." On the other hand, I gotta count my blessings–especially that I still have both my parents, even at MY "old age" and grateful for THEIR continuing-to-increase old age.


Without getting too deep into the "weeds" on stuff, I took a day off work and set out for some "distraction" to keep busy and not let myself "think" too much ABOUT another solo birthday and all that.

So I set off for Columbus, OH for the day. My plan was more or less a "mini version" of my "HPB Quest" from September 2019 where rather than trying to hit ALL of the HPBs I was aware of, I figured maybe I’d shoot for 3 and a comic shop or 2-3, a comic shop, and a couple Walmarts for some "toyhunting" or such.

BUT I’d also been thinking about trying to hit IKEA while I was down that way to hopefully score 2-3 Detolf display cases.

THEN I totally forgot to even plot out a route/note addresses and such, so I ultimately wound up picking the northernmost HPB and setting GPS for that one, planning to figure out the rest once I got there.

On the way, I actually had to go past Ikea Way, so plans changed a bit on the fly.

I went to the Half-Price Books and ended up scoring a few comics. More expensive than I wanted, but better pricing than I feel the HPBs in northeastern Ohio have.


Found a handful of Uncanny X-Men 500s issues that the list I have in my phone indicated I was still missing. (although several seem really darned familiar so hopefully it’s just that I’ve seen them in the past and/or passed on them in the past due to price!


And I could not pass up the Amazing Adventures issues.


I decided to duck into the Walmart in the same plaza, and happened across a Raw10 figure I hadn’t even known would be out! "Hoof."

They also had some red "chase variant" of the character, but this thing’s too large for me to be bothering with odd-colored variants, "chase" or otherwise.

Since I was already really close to IKEA, I decided to go there next. And realized that it wasn’t as big as I’d imagined…yet soon found out it was more labyrinthine than I had.

And long story short, ultimately despite several COLORS existing, they only had ONE single Detolf letf in stock that I was able to buy…and I’d pretty much decided I was going to get at least 2, maybe 3, prior to discovering that last, lonely, single unit that remained. I couldn’t very well pass on it after so much time and such, so got it…but "only one" necessitates a return visit some other time…hopefully with "pre-ordering" a couple units ahead of time!


So I’ve got my one…not sure if it’s gonna get put together today or not, but at least as of this typing, it’s still in its 2-box packaging to await assembly.

By this point I was a bit discouraged and decided I didn’t "have the heart" to run around to a bunch of HPBs. I remembered that a friend had recently posted about Big Fun Columbus where she’d gone with her kids, so I decided that I’d try that instead.

After a bit of an adventure trying to find and figure out parking (what ever happened to classic, MECHANICAL simple parking meters???) I was able to park and get into the store.

Where I found what I’ve been missing for close to 4 years since the Cleveland Big Fun closed in February 2018!


One key purchase was this Cyber Samurai Mike. These came out "after my time" collecting the TMNT figures as a kid (though I have fond memories of the Archie comics 5-parter featuring these!) While a bit pricier than I’d prefer, the novelty of one of these now in my collection is well worth it…all the more when stacked against the novelty of a mere 6-10 new comics these days.


I was going to get the Raph one but it was more expensive…AND had a tag on it that it was "incomplete." This one had no such note, and was $10 cheaper so I opted for this one. I don’t know that the other was missing much of note, but I do really dig this one! And bonus: it came with this "clip and collect" profile card! (already clipped and collected).

birtthdayhaul_marvel_legends_shikah_to_get_jeffWhen I’d first walked in, I found several "cheapo" loose figures that I was going to buy–some old Toy Biz X-related characters (I think I had a Gladiator and Weapon X at least). But I eventually decided to put those back, in favor of some other finds.

While looking (only intending TO LOOK) at the loose Marvel Legends figures, I noticed a little figure that really caught my eye. Did a double-tacke: nahhhh….couldn’t be! When the heck would they have made a Jeff the Land Shark figure?!?

But given the way they had the thing standing between another figure’s feet, I figured they probably came together, but asked anyway.

Sure enough, Jeff was not a "solo figure," and was part of a "package deal" including the character he was with.

Now, I’d had a price in mind, that I was willing to pay just for the little guy.


And all the more as I had absolutely no clue who the character was that he came WITH, I was thrilled that the PAIR were a mere $10! (Which was cheaper than what I was prepared to pay for JUST Jeff!) Some post-trip internet sleuthing (aka "Googling") tells me the character is Shiklah, and was released in a wave of Marvel Legends back in 2020 or so. I remember seeing that wave in stores…I’m sure I even SAW this one, including Jeff! But that was BEFORE I was consciously aware OF Jeff or had any interest at all in the character.

The figure came with a small wire "doll stand," which also added value for me…even discarding Shiklah, that leaves me a figure stand and Jeff for less than what I would gladly have paid just for Jeff!


There was an old card catalogue unit that–rather than cards–had a bunch of small figures and accessories. I spotted one drawer labeled "minimates" and decided to peek. Spotted what had to be–and indeed turned out to BE–Steel. Not a horrible price….but BONUS! That price INCLUDED a Cyborg Superman! So…not a bad purchase at all! And I added the bag to my basket.

birtthdayhaul_vintage_ish_aprilWhile still having the Cyber Samurai turtle on the brain, I found a bin of classic loose figures for $5/each. Not bad, but they were mostly early non-turtles figures that I already had…mostly from my own ORIGINAL childhood collection.

I did find a variant April O’Neil that I don’t think I had, so I grabbed that.

I also found two Triceratons and was all set to grab those, too, as army-builders…but then noticed they had no tail.

That explained the $5, I guess. And not caring to bother with online prices and hassles for "replacement" tails, I opted to pass on those.

The lack of "finds" here solidified my intent to get the Cyber Samurai Turtle, so this was when I decided to put back the other bagged/loose figures.

I was also going to get a Batman Beyond/Batman 2-pack but cool as it was, I only really wanted the Batman Beyond and otherwise find myself–overall–so sick and tired of BATMAN at this point with the dozen or so (seemingly!) Batman comics out every single week that it was not hard to talk myself out of getting it.

I’d also spotted some figurines that appealed to me…and while they ratcheted me way above what I wanted to spend for the day, I knew I’d be kicking myself if I "passed" on them.


Rogue, and Gambit. Especially with both figurines being present, and these being older units…I figured it was not likely I’d come across them again, so might as well suck it up and buy ’em while I could.


While I was willing to pay what I did for them–about 4-5 comics’ price each–there was an unexpected bonus!

They had the "books" that the figures came with! They were filed away, so I had a few minutes to continue looking around while the store employee went to pull those. Since I was willing to pay for just the figurines themselves (knowing that as "originals" they’d have come with the books) I was not about to turn down the books….and I really like these, too!

While I had those few extra minutes looking around…I found some old Wolverine and Wolverine and the X-Men figures from back in 2008 or so, when the first X-Men: Origins movie hit, and that animated series. I still have a bunch of those figures–loose–somewhere but I need to dig them out.


Considering Marvel‘s (Hasbro‘s) 3.75" figures are about $10…seeing this 12-13-year-old figure still in packaging for $5, I decided I might as well snag it as well as part of my purchase, if only because I like the yellow on this a bit better than my (memory) of a 3.75" Wolverine I already have from around this time.


So all in all….an expensive, frivolous, but fairly satisfying "haul" for my own birthday.

And between the drive to and from Columbus, between stores, and time IN stores…it was definitely a full day’s trip, which kept me busy/occupied and distracted for the day.

Not exactly what I’d had in mind or intended going into the day…but can’t really complain much with the outcome.

Especially as the haul rivals that of any convention, minus the admission cost and other convention frustrations.


The Weekly Haul: Week of November 24, 2021


Here we are again, this time with the most recent week’s haul! And…if you care, Dear Reader, this is Monday, after having a post just this past Friday! So…SLIGHTLY sorta kinda maybe partly possibly back to some semblance of a schedule…

Anyway, while I could have crammed this into the previous post, I figured it proved to be a HUGE week (THE most expensive new comics week I can even remember!), and so well worthy of being its own post. Plus, this jump-starts me a bit to try to get back to at least the weekly rhythm heading into the final few weeks of the year!

Week of November 24, 2021


Starting off for this huge week…Marvel "dominates." X-Men and Wolverine have their "next issue" for X-books. Death of Doctor Strange continues with its third issue. Amazing Spider-Man continues with its latest issue; and we have the first issue of a new Hulk series. I’ve had issues with the writer of the previous series–Immortal Hulk–so avoided that. Couple weeks back, bought the new Venom #1 because I SAW it and crossed it (somehow) with this Hulk #1, knowing I was wanting to give the #1 a chance on a series I’d been avoiding. Oops.

Thanks to Marvel Unlimited and their Infinite Comics and loving the It’s Jeff piece, which has Kate Bishop in it, I got it on the brain to grab this Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #1. Not sure how it’ll compare…apparently (it turns out) this one’s NOT by Kelly Thompson, so…we’ll see.

Checking out this Black Panther series with a new writer; and I believe an early (but as yet still upcoming) issue is gonna have a big tie to the current X-books, so might as well build some context.

Saw the Darkhold: Blade #1 available again and snagged it. Oops…I already had the darned thing. Gonna have to start maybe keeping a checklist on my phone and mark/indicate getting issues or not, and checking that.


Getting into NON-Marvel stuff, there’s the newest issues of Radiant Black, as well as TWO Spawn-universe issues in King Spawn and Gunslinger Spawn. Then we have a Local Comic Shop Day variant of Walking Dead Deluxe…the issue introducing the Governor! I couldn’t pass up the shiny silver foil…cheesey ’90s-style gimmick, and with there being so many variants on this series this time through anyway…why not? I’m giving Echolands a bit longer, along with Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters. I thought this one was a mini-series, so given I was trying to support a new book on concept, it being ongoing where I’ve yet to read any issues, it’s probably gonna wind up getting cut.

GI Joe: ARAH and Usagi Yojimbo issues. Current and classic…a good combo.


Going off the beaten path, couple of Source Point Press books in Good Boy, Unborn, and Haunted High-Ons. (couple, three…whatever).

Snagged Friday on strength of Brubaker‘s name…turns out it’s a single chapter of a graphic novel. Ugh. I enjoyed the issue well enough and definitely interested in getting the full book…I’d probably actually be more annoyed if it was most other things, but helps that I actually read the thing right away and found out!

Had the first 3 issues of Masters of the Universe Revelation, and apparently had missed the 4th. Got stuck with this variant, but at least it’s *A* copy of #4. Duplicated the Last Ronin Design Archive, having ordered a copy to be CERTAIN to get it…wasn’t sure if it was included with my regular pulls. Could be worse.

Finally, snagged the Miskatonic: Even Death May Die as I’ve been grabbing these large "album-size" books from Aftershock…especially like that they’re one-shots! And the Geiger books collects 6 issues…for $9.99. A great price for the story…ESPECIALLY considering the single issues were $3.99/each, so $9.99 vs. $23.94. I’m a sucker and double-dipped…solely to try to continue to "support" the $9.99-volume-1 thing.


Sarah-Cat kept photobombing as I got stuff situated to get photos for this post, so she gets to wear this week’s Comic Shop News and gives me plenty of justification to work that into this post, where I usually won’t include CSN unless it fits in my regular laying out of other comics for the week.


A friend sent me an early birthday & Christmas present…the first couple volumes in Brubaker/PhillipsReckless series. I think there’s one other one out, so I’ll be keeping an eye out for that one in the not-too-distant future, I think.

All in all…as said above, HUGE week. Even with a couple stragglers from previous weeks and a cheapo-TPB…these huge, expensive weeks are getting old fast…and while I obviously have gotten fairly liberal in giving random stuff a shot…I’ve not been READING stuff, and so it’s getting hard to justify at the prices…especially combined with OTHER STUFF in life I"m spending money on.

So Definitely gonna have to start looking at trimming back again, even though I’ve already nearly-completely excised DC from my purchasing!

It’s made all the more annoying/complicated/frustrating with all the recent delays and schedule-shuffling and such with paper shortages/supply-chain problems. Stuff clusters, and then I get monster weeks like this!


The Monthly Haul: October 20 to November 17, 2021


Well, ONCE AGAIN, despite the best of intentions, I let a few more weeks slip by!

So, here we are again with me covering multiple weeks in one post. This time out, "only" FIVE weeks, though…a month. October 20 through November 17!

As with my last post catching up on 3 months, I’m just going to leave these as more of a "gallery" than anything else rather than trying to come up with random ‘vamping’ stuff to fill space/remember back across the weeks and all that.

Week of October 20, 2021



Week of October 27, 2021





Week of November 3, 2021



Week of November 10, 2021






Week of November 17, 2021



And with that, we’re allllllmost caught up to "current."

And despite my last few times saying so….barring some catastrophic technology issue, should be covering the CURRENT/most recent week–11/24–in my very next post…on MONDAY!

And from there, will start dropping some posts that I’ve had percolating for months in my mind that are finally getting written…and we’ll see where the next 5-6 weeks take us as far as 2021 goes, before whatever 2022 brings…


The Quarterly Haul: July 21 to October 13, 2021


Well…I VAGUELY recall thinking–way back in July–over THREE MONTHS AGO–that I’d be getting back to posting The Weekly Haul…well…WEEKLY!

But life–and WORK*–got busy and crazy and all that; had a health scare with the Chloe-cat; and then it was just simply overwhelming thinking about catching up. And with some especially busy weeks with work, and TRYING to actually READ (and CATCH UP TO CURRENT from 2019!) on X-Men stuff…I just haven’t really touched this blog.

Then there’s also that frankly…this is a vanity project. It’s in no way "monetized," and about 14 months ago I even started PAYING for a domain and to have WordPress NOT show ads, so not only am I not making money from this blog, it’s COSTING ME money just by its very EXISTENCE.

Whatever…my blog, my schedule, and it’s a benefit of doing my own thing that I’m not causing others issues with my (lack of) schedule and such.

ANYway…here we are, nearly the end of October. And while I’d actually figured I’d cut my losses and just pick back up with current…I never really stopped my weekly routine of at least taking PHOTOS for this blog, it’s just a matter of actually "processing" said photos and then WRITING and formatting actual blog posts using those photos.

So, this post is gonna be VERRRRRRRYYYYYY photo-heavy as I cover THIRTEEN weeks….from July 21st to October 13! However, I AM going to forego the issue-by-issue commentary and "list," and simply present the photos of the weeks’ hauls, divided up by week. And given the time-frame, some may be SLIGHTLY out of order, as these include purchases from both the weekly shop and another I don’t get to every week…I’ve managed to ID a release date by when certain issues came out (according to League of Comic Geeks) and have the photos roughly ordered within each "week."

These Weekly Haul posts are largely for myself, and while I think I managed to cover every week of 2019…2020 had a huge gap from The Shutdowns and such. And I couldn’t quite get myself to "let go" for this year, so…here we are. If you enjoy it, great…if not…well, hopefully I’ve got some other content you’ll enjoy.

On with the hauls!

Week of July 21, 2021



Week of July 28, 2021


Week of August 4, 2021




Week of August 11, 2021  



Week of August 18, 2021





Week of August 25, 2021




Week of September 1, 2021





Week of September 8, 2021



Week of September 15, 2021


Week of September 22, 2021




Week of September 29, 2021





Week of October 6, 2021


Week of October 13, 2021



…and Famous Last Words…but hopefully I’m getting this blog back on track!

IF I get to it, then coming soon: "The" Chris Claremont signing, a HUGE haul of X-books from a Not-at-Comic-Con sale, loads of toys acquisitions, and…whatever else comes to mind to post.

As always…time shall tell!


The Weekly Haul: Weeks of 6/16, 6/23, 6/30, and 7/7, 2021


Once again, I’ve been lax in posting and so have another MONTH‘s worth of hauls to catch up on!

Week of June 16, 2021


Planet-Size X-Men #1 is an issue I’d been curious about. Why call it that? Well, as spoilers that made their rounds ahead of time gave notice, the name was quite appropriate! Then New Mutants #19 continues the Hellfire Gala mini-event. Seems that X-Corp #2 does as well, but…I’m not hearing good stuff about the title and am in no rush to read it, though I’ll eventually get to it, I suppose.

Demon Days: Mariko is another Peach Momoko thing. About all I can say about it…but snagged it because it’s an X and I’d picked up the previous issue, so might as well get it new rather than have to hunt for it later.

Alien #4 is "already" the fourth issue and I haven’t read since issue #1. I don’t even really care as that first issue underwhelmed me, and I’m still a bit cranky at the license moving to Marvel from Dark Horse…seemingly ONLY for Marvel to reprint stuff and do variant covers!

While I was absolutely going to completely avoid the Milestone stuff from DC, the cover design was such that I "had to" snag Static: Season One #1 for nostalgia alone. This is the most I think a cover has looked like the classic Milestone since those classics. And since I’m not interested in main DC, I suppose I can check a couple of these out at least…at least the first issues.

Next, Seven Swords #1 is another Aftershock first issue. I don’t care for $4.99 prices but I’ll accept them more readily from a non-DC/non-Marvel publisher. I’m feeling like i"m noticing Aftershock more and more lately…maybe I’ll eventually go "all in" on them? Especially if they’re NOT dealing in oodles of variants.

Finally, Compass #1 is an Image #1 that I grabbed to "check out" if I ever actually get around to reading it. Bolstered an otherwise small-ish haul for the Wednesday.


Picking up stuff later, got UltraMega #4 as a "next issue" for that series. Then ditto for Stillwater #8, Stray Dogs #5, The BeQuest #4, and Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters #4. By rights I should NOT be buying these, but I’m curious…and apparently I DO actually want to support new (or new-to-ME) stuff.

Walking Dead Deluxe #17 has us ALMOST to the end of the third arc in the title, but in color. I do want to catch up on reading these in color, but definitely appreciate the format and intend to continue "supporting" it.

While not quite TMNT level, I fairly closely associate Usagi Yojimbo  with the property, so continue to support the series through this 20th issue, though I couldn’t begin to recall where I left off reading. Another in the "I’ll catch up–EVENTUALLY!" category.

And then The Blue Flame #2, picked up as I’d bought the first issue at a random shop in early June while visiting a friend in Columbus and (again) decided a subsequent issue is worth the pickup for whenever I actually get around to reading so I don’t have "orphaned" first issues and ridiculous hunts for stuff just to read later.

Week of June 23, 2021


Spawn’s Universe #1 is the precursor to multiple ongoing Spawn titles. And hey…I’m game. I’ve been buying the main title if only to support its $2.99 price point for over half a decade (60+ issues!) now…why not embrace the universe?

On the X front, this week brought more Hellfire Gala chapters in Way of X #4 and Wolverine #13 as well as the (non-Gala) new issue of X-Men Legends #4.

I really dug Spider-Man: Life Story, so am "grudgingly" giving another such series a chance with Fantastic Four: Life Story #2.

And for however long now, been getting Amazing Spider-Man, and as the current writer’s tenure is drawing to a close soon, I’ve decided I might as well ride this out to the "end" so the "next issue" in this case was #69.

Another "grudgingly" book for me is SWORD #6; but it’s an X-book, so it gets "grandfathered" in where I otherwise would leave it out.

And finally (for the week), TMNT #118 marks the 18th issue BEYOND the huge #100 issue. And I don’t really much care…if I hadn’t been getting every issue anyway since its debut in 2011 I’d have dropped this title for being boring, uninteresting, and…forgettable.

Week of June 30, 2021


This week was an expensive one with few "units"!

The cheapest issue of the week being Spawn #319–my 63rd issue consecutively/ongoing for the title itself, plus whatever else filled some gaps.

Crossover #7 continues the series…I think I read through issue 3 so far, so I have some catching up to do.

Amazing Spider-Man: The Chameleon Conspiracy #1 is apparently ANOTHER one-shot to add/pad out stuff rather than just keeping it within the main series. With the current run apparently ending around #74 or 75, it reeks of drawing stuff out "manipulatively" for the numbers on the main title.

On the X side we have a final issue and a penultimate issue in X-Factor #10 and Cable #11. I believe this is the final issue of the former and was spoiled ahead of time for me; while the latter has one more issue to go if I recall correctly. Shame to lose the titles, but there’ll surely be more to fill their slots.

On the even more expensive side Green Arrow gets a one-shot commemorating 80 years with the Green Arrow 80th Anniversary special. I snagged the 1980s & 1990s covers for the nostalgia, despite the cost…though I’d actually intended to put the 1980s one back.

And finally for the week, we have Reign of X vol. 1 TPB picking up where X of Swords left off. Though I’m firmly getting the single issues, I’m double-dipping in support of the "anthology" format, believing strongly in it! This is really the way I feel most comics should go: collect 6 or however many titles for a month into a tpb and let me get that to "get everything" in book format without having to chase single issues!

Week of July 7, 2021


The first New Comics Day of July brought us another X-Men #1. Not sure what "volume" we’re up to, but…it’s an X-book. Hellions #13 & Children of the Atom #5 round out the week on the X-side.

Fire Power #13 is another "latest issue" that I need to catch up with reading on.

Image Firsts: Spawn #1 was only $1, so picked up for the "nostalgia" and price. And it’s Spawn. Why the heck not?

Another book I’d bought a first issue and now keeping up with is Jenny Zero #3. Something kaiju-ish, so…yeah.

Back to "next issues," we have Amazing Spider-Man #70. Nothing much to say on it.

GI Joe: A Real American Hero Yearbook #2 is another reprint…but worthwhile for completion’s sake on the branding. And then I’d totally forgotten about Snake Eyes: Dead Game; and then suddenly we have #5! Apparently this one has all sorts of guest creators…c’est la vie.


Other issues snagged are more I’m starting to associate with a certain "grouping" in my own mind.

Skybound X #1 kicks off a 5-week weekly series that…I gave in on hype. Also from Skybound, the next issue of Walking Dead Deluxe #18. I think the next issue introduces Michonne…so hopefully it’s not a pain to get. With this issue we’re at the end of the 3rd 6-issue cycle; and halfway to where I started buying the singles the first time around for the title!

Geiger #4 and Nocterra #5 are more "next issues"; while Ordinary Gods #1 got picked up for being an Image #1 to "try."

Finally… Werewolf by Night #32 Facsimile Edition as I still quite enjoy these editions, whatever the title. And I want to support them. I’d gladly "subscribe" to a "series" that was simply these facsimile/reprints of a series. Heck, do a parallel publishing program from Marvel of some old titles reprinting all issues as single issues and I’d probably pay for ’em!

READING-wise I’m at the start of X of Swords in the X-titles, having read from the #1s…and that reading has kept me from "new issues," adding to my "reading deficit." We’ll see what I actually catch up on and when, though.

But hey…this’s been another month’s worth of "new" comics’ hauls. With my boring "thoughts" in very brief to fill out the space showing these off.

At least they give ME record for MY future self of what issues I got, and roughly when they came out.


The Weekly Haul: Weeks of 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, and 6/9 2021


Looks like when I last posted, I’d speculated on covering a second week in the same week.

How laughably wrong I was!

Now it’s been nearly FIVE WEEKS with zero new posts in this blog.

Soooo…here’s four weeks’ worth of weekly hauls…so I can at least still shoot for "covering" the entire year of hauls, eventually…

Week of May 19, 2021

It’s also been a weird several weeks, with some stuff getting jumbled across multiple purchases. Stuff from May 19th was indeed–as I’d expected–a huge week, though!


With the X books, we had Way of X #2 and Wolverine #12…then continuing on with Marvel, also had Amazing Spider-Man #66 and Fantastic Four: Life Story #1 (The ‘60s)! I’d thought I was staying out of Marvel but they’re simply offering a LOT more of actual interest to me than DC at this point…though most of that is my holding my nose and taking the plunge to be "all-in" on the X-books, and deciding to hang onto Amazing Spider-Man in case something gets good beyond my daliance with the story (forgettable enough for the moment) that was going on when I grabbed that issue awhile back for the cover!

Branching outward to Image, there was Ultramega #3 which is yet another title I want to support but have yet to get around to the actual reading yet. It’s a huge book, but I’m sucking it up and paying the price for it being huge.


Then getting into a mix from picking up 5/19 and 6/2 stuff from another shop together, we have X-Men #20–which is the penultimate issue of this iteration of the series before another reboot in numbering in July.

Alien #3 marks the 2nd issue I’ve not read, and with the hassle I’m having even getting the omnibus and lack of WORTHWHILE "buzz" on the series, I’m considering just dropping the title. Maybe when I catch up on my reading of it, I’ll feel differently?

Spawn #318 is interesting…that’s 18 issues beyond the 300th issue. We’re also getting very close to the title being at the point that Uncanny X-Men was number-wise at the start of the Age of Apocalypse…which makes me feel rather old to consider!

Walking Dead Deluxe #15 seems too high a number to already be at…I suppose the series is shipping a couple times a month, and for that I won’t actually complain! We’re getting close to Michonne’s first appearance…and I wonder how many variants THAT is gonna spawn?

Against much better judgment, I ended up grabbing Milestone Returns #0 as I was picking up a bunch of other random stuff to "try." And I remember the original Milestone launch from 1994 or so and had a bout of nostalgia prompting the purchase.

TMNT: Best of Splinter #1 is the latest "Best of ____" issue from IDW‘s TMNT line. While I don’t think any of these are reprinting anything I don’t already have, I still like the idea of them, AND the completist/OCD in me still counts these as "TMNT single issues" since they’re not squarebound TPBs or such, and I’ve bought 1 of every single issue since the series kicked off in 2011. (Shame they’re not doing a 10th anniversary special or some such..!)

Even though I’ve tried to stay away from mini-series and such and had been passing on random titles…The BeQuest is another series I ended up getting the first issue…and then subsequent issues so I don’t have orphaned issues if I read and enjoy the thing. #3 is the latest issue here.

Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters #3 is another of a recent "class" of titles including BeQuest that I’m getting lately and hoping will actually be a good read…and continuing to buy so I don’t have to hunt the issues later or miss out or such.

A third title in this "class" of titles is Stray Dogs, already at issue #4 and I think rapidly approaching its conclusion.


Playing catch-up the other week, I also snagged a bunch of "random" issues that I’d either forgotten I missed or hadn’t known of and decided to "try" in addition to several months’ worth of those other series like BeQuest, Stray Dogs, and Jonna.

Looks like I missed photographing Radiant Black in the mix, but had that in there.

Then there’s Stillwater #7 which was a slight "surprise" to me that it existed…I’d thought the series was a 6-issue mini…but apparently it’s continuing on, albeit with a "hiatus" between arcs. Which is something I’m quite fine with…better a gap of several months between arcs than delays plaguing the thing mid-arc!

Possibly in the vein of World of Warcraft, we have Helm of Greycastle, which actually caught my attention initially for its title…and the similarity to "Greyskull" from He-Man/Masters of the Universe. Seeing a single cover image it’s CLEARLY absolutely NOT that property…but a fantasy property and I’d been curious about it when the first issue got ready to come out…but apparently then missed it. So coming across it, I snagged both #1-2 and we’ll see if I notice subsequent issues.

Red Sonja: The Superpowers #1-3 caught my attention for the covers, AND there being 3 issues available at once. Turned out it’s apparently a 5-issue series, so I decided to give it a shot, and mildly cheaper/simpler to get the single issues than paying the publisher’s price on a TPB and such.

Catching my attention for being something to do with "kaiju," Jenny Zero #1 was another that something had happened where I missed out on the first issue initially…but spotting it when I did, went ahead and grabbed it.

Finally for the week, another issue that caught my attention on a whim was The Girls of Dimension 13 #1. This being another $4.99 Aftershock book, I’m not entirely keen on it. But I’m liking stuff from the publisher, not seeing variants to a degree that cheeses me off, and with my wanting nothing to do with the likes of Boom, I think I’m seeing this publisher as a "replacement" for me.

Week of May 26, 2021

May 26 made for a smaller than usual week for me…though that also allowed the purchase of a tpb which is out of character for me of late!


The Last Ronin #3 finally came out. While the series itself was initially delayed quite a bit I believe over art stuff, I feel like they should have delayed it further and waited til everything was ready to go monthly instead if it being something between "quarterly" and "thirdly" or whatever that word would be.

Getting the Dawn of X vol. 16 TPB "completes" the "first act" of the Krakoan-era X-stuff for me in collected volume. I’m tempted to "drop" these BUT still feel like I need to "support" the format–the "anthology-style" TPBs for an entire line. That said…having giant hardcovers of House of X/Powers of X and then 16 of these paperbacks for stuff between and then X of Swords…but other "mini-events" already like the Hellfire Gala and Trial of Magneto and Inferno (or is that a TITLE or mini?) coming up it sort of busts my notion of having a long run of paperbacks periodically interrupted by huge event. Time will tell.

New Mutants #18 was another "just the next issue" for the week, for getting all the X-stuff.

I apparently duplicated on Spawn #318 which could be worse, I guess…though I’ll be happier to get multiple titles entirely than the variants. As long as this stays at $2.99 for a pricepoint, though, I’ll overlook variants in general.

Finally for the week, had Summoner War: Legacy #2 that I know nothing about but looks like a fantasy title and based on a game or such…yet I got the first issue to try and opted to get the second here.

Week of June 2, 2021

This week was another big one that got split due to unavailability of some issues, and ended up "trying" a couple things I normally wouldn’t go for.


Marauders #22 was my first issue of the Hellfire Gala, I believe…and the only X-issue still in stock when I got to the shop, having forgotten to message ahead for holds.

While I think I only read #1, I’ve continued buying issues of Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon, which concludes here with #6. I’ve heard mixed things but will judge for myself. It’s Larry Hama, which "sold" me on the book at all, so we’ll see.

Amazing Spider-Man #67 is another "the latest issue" pickup.

I’d nearly forgotten entirely about Batman/Catwoman as a series…and #5 here was a surprise of sorts. I have mixed feelings on the thing at this point but I’m "invested" already and might as well "support" it as I don’t care for OTHER stuff DC is doing, and this series is supposed to wrap up stuff from King‘s run on Batman from when I was all-in on the publisher’s Rebirth stuff five years ago when they had regained loads of goodwill.

I’m not keen on variants, but for the heckuvit, decided to pick up North Force #0, which is technically a variant of Savage Dragon #259, as while I’m not buying Savage Dragon in singles, I might be tempted to try a spin-off title, and this would seem a decent starting point. I also appreciated the novelty of the thing, rather than being a straight up reprint of #259. I think it reminded e a bit of Spider-GIrl #0 from back in 1998 (?) that reprinted a What If..? issue but with cover dress to fit the new series..

Vampirella 1992 is not my normal fare, but I believe it’s a one-shot, and set in 1992, and something about it put me in mind of the year-specific titles playing up nostalgia…and hey, 1992 has its share of nostalgia for me, so I snagged the issue.


With several issues sold-out/not available on the 2nd, I ended up placing an order online to shore things up for the week.

X-Force #20 and Hellions #12 are chapters of the Hellfire Gala mini-event.

It didn’t register for me that I had a variant of Fire Power #12 so I ordered the proper cover, sucking it up on getting stuck with a variant. I suppose I have to decide if I’ll continue double-dipping on single issues while getting the TPBs or not, or just shift to the TPBs.

Then to wrap things up, I’d noticed Jenny Zero #2 and decided to get that after all–I had #1 by then and needed something extra to pad out the order to better justify the price of shipping.

Week of June 9, 2021

Coming current with the most recent week June 9 was a decent size and included a couple of back-issues.


X-Men #21 and Excalibur #21 are both chapters of the Hellfire Gala. Children of the Atom #4, however, is not…but I believe this series was intended to be out last year, so it’s not exactly "in sync" with the rest of the X-line.

Amazing Spider-Man #68 is the second issue of the series in as many weeks…but also "the latest issue."

TMNT #117 is another "latest issue," and I’m not sure where I stand with this title anymore. 3 more issues and #120 will mark 10 years of IDW‘s series and I think THE longest I’ve consistently, unbrokenly followed any series/title with no gaps. That said…it’s time for the title to pick up again, as it just hasn’t been holding me as previous chunks of the run have; though it took a few issues after #50 to re-engage me where it had felt like a new title, but by the run-up to #75 I was really enjoying it again (and we had the Krang trial stuff). I’m not really getting that feeling at this point over a year-and-a-half post-#100 and the series just hasn’t been all that engaging or interesting and thus has–for me–been rather forgettable and blurred into a single slog that I read out of obligation, OCD, and continuity.

I vaguely remember many years ago when I’d followed a few issues of Savage Dragon, the series guest-starred some character from another series…and there was something about Larsen having either bought that character or was taking stuff on in support…but if I recall correctly, that character was Ant. And here/now seeing Ant #12 that supposedly wraps up the long-unfinished initial run and sets up a new run (?) or such, I decided to grab the issue…much like North Force #0 the previous week.

Geiger #3 is the latest issue, and I still haven’t read the first. It’s another that I may not have the purest motives to support: It’s Johns and Frank while NOT being DC and thus I’m wanting to support it out of spite. Plus, I’ve generally enjoyed the creators’ collaborations…they’ve at least been good themselves and pretty to look at, even if I didn’t care for their impact on continuity. As a creator-owned thing from Image I expect to quite enjoy the book!

And as with previously…Batman Scooby-Doo! Mysteries #3 is a $2.99 book and I feel the "need" to "support" a $2.99 book from DC when they’ve jacked most of their other titles to $4.99 and $5.99. I’ll buy for $2.99. I won’t for $5.99 and the publisher can pound sand at those higher price points!


I blame Chris Sheehan for bringing the Curse of the Man-Thing mini-event back to my radar, and I wound up snagging the 2nd and 3rd (of 3?) chapters that were presented as one-shots initially in Amazing Spider-Man: Curse of the Man-Thing #1 and X-Men: Curse of the Man-Thing #1. Now that I have these, I’m bound by OCD to seek out the Avengers issue that serves as chapter 1 of the mess. I’m NOT keen on the $4.99 price point NOR Marvel‘s publishing these all as #1 issues without even anything to clearly indicate on the cover that they’re chapters 2 and 3 of a larger story. I’d initially passed on the Spidey issue that was put in with my pulls a few weeks back. I guess I should’ve gotten it then and grabbed the Avengers issue when/while I could!

I’ve snagged some other stuff of note recently, and maybe I’ll show stuff off in another post soon. Or maybe it’ll be AUGUST now before I post again. Or something in-between.

Time–and some health stuff in my personal life and family–will largely guide that, I suppose.


The Weekly Haul: Week of April 14, 2021


Another week, some new comics…


Nothing all that exciting this week. Wolverine and Children of the Atom are "the latest X-books this week." Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon is the latest issue of that series…cruising on along on strength of the first issue and Larry Hama‘s name.

Then Star Trek: The Next Generation: The GIft as a reprint of an older story and getting some nostalgia. I’m not much interested in "modern" TNG comics, but occasional stuff like this I’ll check out. Cheaper than "hunting" back-issues to get the story, anyway.

GI Joe: A Real American Hero #279 is another "latest issue/issue-out-this-week."

And the Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries is the first time in a few weeks that DC has been on here. But it’s a $2.99 comic! Given their shift mostly to $4.99/$5.99 and such…I’d be just part of the problem if I complain about their prices but then DIDN’T support a $2.99 book!

Finally, for the Comic Shop News issue this week…Looking just at the top, my first thought was "…again?" on The Mighty Crusaders/The Shield. My second thought was "Huh…that looks like Rob Liefeld art…" Unfolding the issue…sure enough, saw the ‘signature’ on the art. Say what you will about the man’s art…it’s typically very recognizable!


Comic Con "Haul" from 4/11

Over the weekend, I wound up going to the Canton Comic Book, Toy & Nostalgia Convention in Canton, OH putt on by Harper Comics.

It was a little over an hour’s drive for me, and a $4 admission price. I’d given up on a similar event in Cleveland a few weeks ago so this one was a sort of "consolation prize" or such. Further from Cleveland so presumably less crowded, AND I didn’t leave to get there til about 2pm rather than around 10:30 (show hours were 10-4) so had NO trouble getting IN this time around.

But it seemed a lot smaller than I expected, while not exactly being tiny or anything. And it was basically exactly what I expect from a Harper show: a "dealer room." And that’s a huge part of why I go: no frills. I go for comics.

This one was a bit disappointing to me; didn’t have nearly the experience I had at the Cleveland one back in October with "finds," and for the most part merely checked off several "missing issues" from my pre-Hickman X-books.


Found $12.50 in issues at one booth, though I believe she ended up asking $10 for the 3 issues…either way, better price than modern comics. Snagged the Marvel Legends edition/reprint of Uncanny X-Men #141 just because it’s bugged me seeing that it exists but for MUCH higher pricing online. $2.50 asking price was a virtual "given" for me! But I’m still after the actual original edition, albeit aiming for the $50ish or under range. Uncanny X-Men #143 I’d SWEAR I already had, but I’m pretty sure that’d be why I didn’t already have it before: I thought I did so passed on it and then discovered I was still missing it. For $6, even in less than pristine condition, I’m happy with it: it’s the issue. I have the actual issue in my collection. Doesn’t have to be "Near Mint" or whatever; the important factor to me is merely having the issue. Where condition and what I’m willing to spend on it intersect. ANd then $5 for Wolverine #27 that I suspect may simply be such a "key"-ish issue or otherwise hard to find and typically "expensive" solely for being a Jim Lee cover. [insert eyeroll-emoji]

Then at another booth, found $12 in issues that I believe the guy also ended up only asking $10 from me for the three. Uncanny X-Men #s 455 and 481 are simply "two issues I was missing still." This leaves me with Uncanny X-Men #s 142-459 as a solid run. I’m (now) presently missing #s 460, 464, 467, and 489 from having #142-507. My aim is to go back to #141, but may slowly go backward from there. And with Wolverine #32 paired to the aforementioned #27, I’m left with only Wolverine #s 10, 30, and 37 missing from having the original 4-issue mini-series and complete 189-ish issue first ongoing series.

So I suppose when it comes down to it…it was as a convention should be. No real hassles getting there or getting in; a number of dealers with good prices and deals to be had; found some comics that I didn’t already have and haven’t found at local shops (or for prices I’m willing to pay when I’m there and notice the issue(s)).

But it wasn’t exciting. I didn’t get an issue that I went in specifically wanting in and of itself. No "keys," as the 141 is a reprint and not the original. No spectacular, memorable, singular purchase. No "completion" of a series.

As I type this, it occurs to me that I probably should’ve looked through some of the cheapo stuff for X-Man #39, or Quicksilver 4/7/8/9, some Maverick or Ka-Zar or Generation X issues or District X #2 or such. But my heart’s just not really "in" "The Hunt" lately for stuff. I just want to trade money I have for comics I want and then kick back and read and enjoy having the things. I know my price points that I’m willing to pay with certain conditions (conditions on price and/or conditions OF the issues).

I know darned well that 4 hours into a 6 hour show of people who know comics themselves I’m obviously NOT going to "luck into" finding DC Comics Presents #26 in a $1 bin, or Incredible Hulk #181 for $5, or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 for under $100 or such. So I"m at a point where I feel like screw getting a deal and just give me a fair market price that leaves both me and the seller happy.



Resumption of X: Purchase #9

This purchase was part of a MUCH larger purchase overall…at the Winston World sale at Carol & John’s the weekend of March 5-7.

I had attempted to attend the March iteration of that show I went to back in October, but they were "at capacity" before I even got there with no signs of that changing and a long line down a hall, through the lobby, and down another hall in the hotel, and that with a $5 "cover charge" to even gain admittance.

So I went to CNJ instead…and wound up spending my entire "show budget" on primarily X-back-issues…current AND back to the ’90s.


With these nine issues…I’m now down to missing Excalibur #12, New Mutants #s 13 & 16; X-Force #s 3, 4, 8, & 13; Wolverine #6; and Hellions #s 3 & 5.

That’s about 33% less than the number of issues I bought in one go back in early February.

Of course, that excludes Deadpool 2-9 of the latest run…but I don’t count that the same way as it’s not a "branded" Dawn of X/Reign of X title with this semi "digital"-looking style to the logos.

And several of these missing issues are early X of Swords chapters…where I’ve passed on 2nd prints. I do want first prints…the "actual" issues, all the way through…it’s my OCD and desire for consistency.

But with the comic shops in the area not having them…I had counted on the comic show to find more…and I suppose now we’ll see how things are for one in the area next month and how compatible that is (or is not) with some real-life situations going on at present.
