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The Monthly Haul: October 20 to November 17, 2021


Well, ONCE AGAIN, despite the best of intentions, I let a few more weeks slip by!

So, here we are again with me covering multiple weeks in one post. This time out, "only" FIVE weeks, though…a month. October 20 through November 17!

As with my last post catching up on 3 months, I’m just going to leave these as more of a "gallery" than anything else rather than trying to come up with random ‘vamping’ stuff to fill space/remember back across the weeks and all that.

Week of October 20, 2021



Week of October 27, 2021





Week of November 3, 2021



Week of November 10, 2021






Week of November 17, 2021



And with that, we’re allllllmost caught up to "current."

And despite my last few times saying so….barring some catastrophic technology issue, should be covering the CURRENT/most recent week–11/24–in my very next post…on MONDAY!

And from there, will start dropping some posts that I’ve had percolating for months in my mind that are finally getting written…and we’ll see where the next 5-6 weeks take us as far as 2021 goes, before whatever 2022 brings…


The Weekly Haul: Week of October 23, 2019 & Halloween Comicfest Weekend Stuff


The week of October 23rd wound up being probably THE smallest week I’ve had in ages, as brand-new-this-week comics go. But offset with some other stuff.

I officially pulled the trigger on dropping a lot of what I’d been getting. Though I still expect to get remnants from that for the next several weeks–stuff already ordered because it had been on my pulls at FOC–I probably won’t feature them here.

Let’s get into the stuff I am showing, though!


The only real new comic for me this week was Criminal #9. Partly to make up for that–I can’t really fault the comic shop for the publisher(s) raising my ire–I picked up Spider-Man: Life Story. This is a DEFINITE exception to the USUAL for Marvel for me. I see this story much like Superman: Secret Identity and with that sort of nostalgia and such, absolutely wanted to get the collected volume. And getting it in-person, it is NOT damaged by Amazon‘s incompetence.

And a book I had backed on Kickstarter came in–Regards, Ditko–featuring correspondence between the creator and the author over a time. I figured this would be a nice addition to my "comics reference" "library."


Then there were several $1 issues. Another DC Dollar Comics, this time featuring Swamp Thing #1. And a couple more X-Men-related True Believers issues.

Plus the Comic Shop News for the week.


The weekend also included Halloween Comicfest–essentially Free Comic Book Day but for Halloween. Visiting with friends, I went to Vault of Midnight in Ann Arbor, Michigan. While understandable for "everyone" to have access to stuff, there was a strict limit of 3 issues, which meant I was not all that interested in "wasting" my 3 on unknowns. I knew going in I absolutely, particularly wanted The Adventures of Cthulhu Jr. and Dastardly Dirk #1. And then I wasn’t gonna pass up the Usagi Yojimbo mini-comic/ashcan. Finally, though I wouldn’t pay for random Marvel, I opted for the Ghost Rider issue, over ’90s nostalgia and Danny Ketch.

In "support" of the shop, I bought Second Coming #s 3-4; I know full well I have #1 at least, and pretty sure #2…I could not remember if I had gotten (to) #3, and decided I’d pay its price in shipping special-ordering stuff online anyway, so if it’s a duplicate, it’s not the end of the world. I also grabbed the first paperback volume of Stumptown thanks to the new tv series.

At another shop, not finding anything of particular interest in stock (or for a price I was willing to pay) I did grab the facsimile edition of Incredible Hulk #1 that I apparently missed on the Wednesday prior.


On Monday, my DCBS order of 100-Page Giants arrived. I’d swear I actually ordered a bundle of TWELVE of the things, of which only 6 came…so I’m assuming something screwy is going on with scheduling for the things, working around Walmart exclusivity-windows and such…or something. NOT a good start, and though I’d initially been figuring maybe I’d just order these for awhile–cheaper than Walmart and keep up my "run" of the things–I’m reconsidering. I’ve barely touched the Walmart ones thus far, though I amassed all but a Detective Comics anniversary special that apparently never even showed up in Ohio.

The oddness and irregularity and such combined with knowing there are different covers, but not knowing what’s actually coming with them all or schedules…it just makes it seem like a mess, and far more convoluted than simply having 4 titles or so each month with 3-4 issues’ worth of content for a bargain $5 cover price.

Despite all my grousing, passive-aggressiveness and grumpiness/sarcasm toward a lot of modern comics…

I have been reading and thoroughly ENJOYING the ’80s Marvel series Strikeforce: Morituri, thanks to Chris Sheehan and Chris Bailey and their Morituri Mondays podcast (over at ChrisAndReggie.com). I actually ordered all 31 or so issues of the series (plus all 5 issues of a follow-up mini-series), so I have the physical copies…though once I’d renewed my Marvel Unlimited subscription have found it far simpler to read the issues on my tablet without ads and without juggling loose issues.

As of this typing, I’ve read the first 12 issues…meaning I’m 1/3 of the way through everything; though I’m only a few minutes into the fourth episode (of 6 so far) of the podcast.

I can’t believe I’ve been "into" comics for over 30 years and I’m only now in late-2019 reading this series for the first time! I enjoyed the first several issues enough…but the sixth issue I think was the "I’m sold!" point, and left me eager to keep reading through the series.

Chris and Chris are doing an excellent job presenting the series, and as I’ve already listened to their analysis of the first 3 issues and started into the 4th and know they’ll be covering the rest, I don’t see even attempting an ’80s Revisited post on any of the issues myself…unless I do some sort of "response post" or something more limited.

But right now, theirs is THE podcast I’m prioritizing over any others until I’m "caught" up and then hopefully "keep up" awhile.


The Weekly Haul: Weeks of October 24 & 31, 2018 and Halloween Comicfest

It’s amazing how life gets busy at certain times…and how that can be exacerbated by having the computer one has been primarily using for years suddenly decide to freeze up and then refuse to ever boot up Windows again.

Combined with a couple other things going on, and rather than separate posts, let’s cover "The Weekly Haul" stuff from the past couple weeks AND Halloween Comicfest!

Week of October 24, 2018


Last week had the foiled edition of Action Comics #1004…and I finally pulled 1001, 1002, and 1003 together and caught up on reading! I have to reiterate how much I’ve liked this low-key "stunt month" that DC did this year, where the foiling did not add to the regular price–$3.99 books stayed $3.99, so it’s purely cosmetic. And as a "stunt month," it’s not like it was all over the place. And the best part is that the fancy covers are the main, primary cover and NOT some variant!

Extra dose of TMNT with the second Macro-Series issue, this one focusing on Michelangelo; and the sixth issue of TMNT: Urban Legends, reprinting the 6th issue of the old Image series!

Then the newest issues of Aliens: Dust to Dust, of Flash, and Die!Die!Die!…where I have some collating and catch-up reading to do!

Week of October 31, 2018


This week is a "fifth week," and so definitely a bit smaller. DC‘s second issue of Heroes in Crisis hit, apparently a week "late." I was not 100% on picking this up, but especially with being a small week, and I’m now leaning toward "grudgingly" picking it up, if only for morbid curiosity…but perhaps just as much so that I can read it for myself and evaluate it for myself. If I don’t like it, at least I’ll get that for myself. I don’t like it so far, but it feels like it’s got some weird sort of potential. I’m also willing to "support" it with it not having umpteen branded official tie-in chapters (so far), unlike the marvelous competition.

I’m digging the main Batman title of late, having jumped back into current reading with The Gift and the run-up to #50; loved the Freeze story, and just keeping up. As a fifth week, figured what the heck? Been ages since a Secret Files [& Origins] issue, so curiosity (and the foil cover) won me over. Plus…it’s Batman.

And I’m definitely enjoying the True Believers What If..? issues–most of them, I have not read before, so they’re particularly fun for only $1.00, where so many of the True Believers issues are reprints of stuff I do already have and/or have read. This What if…Legion had Killed Magneto? draws from the original Age of Apocalypse stuff from 1995. (And I’d meant to ‘cover’ the issue several years ago when I covered the entirety of that original Age of Apocalypse saga, but never quite got around to it then.)

Finally, snagged some Hordes minis to go with others I’ve bought…I have a good-size selection of these now to assemble, prime, and paint, which could be a way to pass a few weeks coming up or in 2019.

Halloween Comicfest 2018


While it seemed there were more officially-branded Halloween COmicfest issues than ever this year, many were "mini-comics" or "ashcan-sized," and at least from the covers and being backed up on plenty of other reading and considering last year’s issues and maybe prior years…I opted just to snag these. I wasn’t sure what to make of the Adventures of Aspen Mascots but it looked fun; definitely up for the Hellblazer reprint (especially while DC otherwise doesn’t seem to know what it wants to do with the character) for the 30th anniversary. And the completist in me didn’t want to pass on the Rise of the TMNT mini-comic, though I’m not fond of the tv show from the premiere episode.


As a far, Far, FAR superior value to me than contemporary Marvel #1 issues, for the same price, I snagged both of these issues of the older Captain America series from the 1960s. My grandfather (who helped get me into comics 30 years ago) had at least one of these issues, though I can’t remember which (and pretty sure he didn’t have the other, as I always mixed up the cover images in my memory). So there’s sentimental value in getting these copies if only for that.


Going through $1 bins, I ended up opting only to get the Tales of the Marvels issues. There’s just not much in the way of Marvel stuff that I find worthwhile outside of 25-50 cent bins…but especially at the moment due to personal stuff going on.

The Gobbledygook issue will go into my TMNT collection; it was a nice find for 33% off, which put it cheaper than any modern Marvel issue.


I snagged about $4-$5 worth of 25-cent bin comics. These Battlebooks ones stood out to me immediately for the tradedress…I love the way the white/red of the main logo pops and the characters on top of the crisp black background. These are a bit of nostalgia for me–I remember when these first came out! I think I’d originally gotten the Citizen V one, and can’t remember what the other one I picked up was.

These were a sort of game, where (with rules as described on a couple of inserts included in the issue) two players would have the characters "fight" and the results were determined by grids of statistics on the various pages.

They were more interesting than they sound, but are definitely at best value for 25 cents for the artwork. Still, fun finds!


I have fond memories of the Slingers title. I have yet to actually read the various Spider-Man issues where Peter Parker took on the four alternate guises (Ricochet, Prodigy, Dusk, and Hornet). But when this series premiered, I went with the Ricochet edition, and followed the series to its conclusion (12 issues and a Wizard #0 issue, if I recall correctly).

As I recall, these were variant issues–the beginning and ending are the same in all four issues, but there’s a several (8? 12? 16? I honestly don’t recall as of this typing) page sequence in each issue that is character-specific, where the Slingers split up, so the Ricochet issue follows him when the four split, while in place of those pages, the Dusk issue follows that character instead.

I absolutely would not want this being done with modern comics at modern prices, since it would be vastly over-used very quickly. But now nearly 20 years in the past and available in 25-cent bins, I find this a fun sorta thing–especially getting all 4 issues for only $1.

And that’s it for October. Here’s hoping November’s a good month! Hard to believe we’re nearing the end of 2018 already…but then, lately it’s hard to believe it’s 2018 when sometimes I feel like I still so clearly remember stuff from 1999, or 1998…that I was self-aware even 25+ years ago (and that all these years later, here I am still into comics as much or more than ever before!)


The Weekly Haul – Week of October 29th, 2014

This week was actually a pretty light week overall…an unfortunate rarity of late.


Along with the “regular” stuff, I snagged the Cap book from a 60%-off bargain bin. Several volumes I might’ve also considered, but even 60% off wasn’t enough discount for me to splurge on ’em this time.


Somewhat matching the FCBD deal, for a certain donation to the CBLDF, a pack of “all” of the event day’s issue’s were available as a set. This of course being the Halloween Comicfest.

While there have been a number of these “mini-comics” available for/around Halloween for several years, it’s only been these last couple years that we’ve had the Comicfest “branding” on ’em.


Along with the mini-comics were several “full size” comics.

I can’t say I’m all that impressed with any of them, but being functionally quarter-bin comics and some more recent stuff, or at least more of a “sampler,” I’m happy enough with ’em.

Especially considering the whole mess of ’em was little more than the cost of a single $3.99 book.

Halloween Haul 2013

Not much for today, so just sharing this week’s haul…which appropriately enough includes Halloween ComicFest comics!


New comics, of course…new Sandman, and two TMNT books that clustered again this month. a couple $1 comics. And I decided after seeing the COVER image so many times the last few months to ‘try” the Damian mini.


A bunch of “mini-comics” or ‘ashcan-size’ comics for ComidFest…


Some full-size issues for ComicFest…


…and probably my favorite of the full-size ComicFest issues.

All of these PLUS some bargain-bin issues for just over $20…NOT a bad haul at all!

Happy Halloween, everyone!