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Looking Forward to a Possible Documentary Feature Film about Batman: The Animated Series

Yesterday, I shared a link and posted the following to Facebook. This is simply me supporting a project I’d love to see happen. I myself am backing the project, and this post is totally me, Walt–unsponsored, un-requested/etc. The only thing I receive from this is the satisfaction of doing what little I can from my little corner of the internet here to shine some attention on a worthy project!

Did you discover Batman thanks to the ’90s animated series? Do you fondly recall the early to mid-’90s with shows like Batman and X-Men? Have you enjoyed their successors–Superman, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited… even the modern live action films?

Is Kevin Conroy the voice of "your" Batman? Mark Hamill the voice of "your" Joker?

So much came from this brilliant series–its animation, its writing, its voice talent. And the folks behind the series are mostly still around–they’re still alive and many still active in the industry…and able to be involved in a project like this. Information, anecdotes, recollections…they’re not just names and written quotes in history texts or bland wiki entries somewhere online.

Phil’s got a documentary lined up to cover this show, with interviews from many involved firsthand on having brought a key vision of Batman to the screen with influence lasting to this very day.

I’m not generally one to "push" crowdfunding ventures but this one that I’m certainly personally behind. Phil does awesome work, and this would be an awesome one to see able to be made.

If you’d consider checking it out–don’t just take my wording for it…visit the Kickstarter page (link is in the comments), see it in Phil’s own words, and think about "backing" this, even if only for a few dollars. Toss in $3-4–about the cost of a cup of coffee on the go(???)–and you’ll be part of this documentary happening. And you’ll probably spend more time watching it than that cup of coffee would have lasted.


If you opt to click the link above (or click the image below), it’ll take you to Kickstarter and you can click around within the campaign page for the project.

As of my grabbing the screenshot, there are 78 backers and $7,066 raised of a $10,000 "goal."


The way Kickstarter works is, you "pledge" whatever amount, and then at the END of the campaign–funds are collected…assuming, of course, the campaign met its goal. It’s an all-or-nothing situation: either it’s funded, or it’s not. You are NOT charged immediately–you’re only charged at the end and then only if the campaign met its goal.

But you have to actually pledge in order for that to happen.

I’d love to see this come to fruition. That’s why I’m posting about it…I don’t think I’ve ever posted something like this, supporting/endorsing a Kickstarter thing, if that helps show I’m not just blowing smoke on the matter.

If you’re reading this…I’d recommend checking out the campaign, and if you’re interested and able, back it.

If you want to check out Phil’s other work, his site is at https://retailsunshine.com/.

And for another documentary he self-produced recently, you can find Sparking Sunshine on his YouTube channel.

And with that…I’m shutting up for now.

I have several other posts planned for this week, but "real life" is already rearing its head, so whether I make it through another week of "(week)daily" posts or not remains to be seen.


Life During Quarantine: Non-Traditional Hauls

Coming up on two months since I’ve been to a comic store. During the shutdowns, I’ve wound up with some "non-traditional" hauls.

Some Kickstarter stuff’s come in–pledged for as far back as a year or more. Some new "Walmart comics" that I was able to order via their site. And an excellent order from Mirage Studios for a run of Usagi Yojimbo that I’ve really never seen (never looked that hard though) anywhere.

And as stuff stacked up, I figured I’m not doing other worthwhile content, so might as well do a "Haul post" and highlight these.

At least for my own personal documentation!


Odd Tales from the Curio Shop. Tales From Nocturnia.


I’ve increasingly been a fan of TwoMorrows‘ stuff. Where was all this when I was in school and could have used these as reference citations for papers?!? I’d be interested in the complete American Comic Book Chronicles series…but it’s a bit pricy (textbook-like) and not all volumes are in-print. I backed a Kickstarter for this new printing of the 1980s volume. It also prompted me to acquire the 1990s volume last summer. I also backed their anniversary volume The World of Twomorrows. Why not?


I was drawn to the Deborah Daring by the art. Unfortunately, I was blindsided by shipping. With all the ‘upgrades’ during the campaign, shipping became a very expensive nightmare to the US from Canada. I was initially ready to write the thing off, but some of that "heat" "in the moment" dealing with the shipping has worn off, so we’ll see if/when I get around to actually reading the thing!

Then we have the Haunted High-Ons: The Darkness Rises hardcover, collecting the 6-issue mini-series! This one was a no-brainer for me, enjoying Manning‘s work and all!


I’d backed Everglade Angels on strength of Northcott‘s name; having Lobdell on it as well is quite a bonus. Yet another thing that I need to get around to actually reading…but sure is pretty to have thus far!

One of my profs from college introduced me (via Facebook) to Phil Machi some years back; and we’ve been facebook friends now for however many years. I’ve known of his work and enjoyed seeing all he posts about it…but somehow had never gotten around to purchasing anything.

So I put an order in for Silver Lining, one of his Retail Sunshine volumes…and have quite enjoyed it! Just in the first several pages, I was chuckling at the humor…though I’ve not had any extensive work in retail, I’ve had just enough to begin to have a hint of what it can be like…and I’ve read enough Reddit stories to have a feel as well. But to get stuff in strip format like this makes it all the more entertaining and engaging!


AND Phil threw in this sketch for me as well…totally made my day getting the package and seeing this!


The collected volume of the 6-issue Hope series came…and I still can’t help but think it should have more of the pink/purpleish tone of the first issue, which is rather iconic to me. That said, this blue cover is enough of a change to draw the eye, and I do like it, and hope to really dig in soon having the whole story in one place and not scattered!

Then For Goodness Sake volume one which is a full K. Lynn Smith piece; another to get into!


While I’m not keen on exclusive-to-a-single-retailer things… a new line of comics has hit Walmart. Norah’s Saga particularly caught my attention, being another of Blake Northcott‘s projects; but I snagged all four issues to give them a try…though I had to order them online, as the Walmart I’ve been frequenting did not have them out (despite their app saying they had them in stock).

I’m more willing to give stuff like this a shot at $5/issue for the novelty than I am a mainstream publisher; though not on a continuous basis.

I’ve wound up getting quite a bit of stuff directly from Mirage Publishing over the years–back issues, a couple posters, and whatnot.

They may not be pristine "Near-Mint" or such…but that’s great! While I’m not gonna willingly damage my own comics, and don’t necessarily want anything beat to heck and back…I’m VERY MUCH a "reader copy" kinda guy…generally more interested in having the issue than I am with having it "graded" or "gradable" at high grades.

So everything I’ve gotten from Mirage has been excellent for me!


All the more with a semi-recent order of the Mirage Usagi Yojimbo run.

The site listed issues 4-16 as available. Figuring that’d leave me with just a couple issues (2-3) to hunt down in the wild (pretty sure I’d seen #1 somewhere in going through boxes the last couple years) I pulled the trigger and ordered them.

A few weeks later when my package arrived, I was greeted with a VERY pleasant surprise: #s 1-3 included! So a complete run of the Mirage iteration of the series!


I emailed to make sure it wasn’t a mistake–and was confirmed to be intentional!

So it was a huge thank-you then…and now publicly! Thank you, Mirage, for being most excellent!
