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Green Lantern #38 [Review]

Full review posted to comixtreme.com.

Green Lantern #37 [Review]

Full review posted to comixtreme.com.

Faces of Evil: Solomon Grundy #1 [Review]

The Curse!

Writer: Geoff Johns & Scott Kolins
Artist: Scott Kolins
Colorist: Hi-FI
Letterer: John J. Hill
Editors: Adam Schlagman & Eddie Berganza
Cover: Shane Davis, Sandra Hope & Alex Sinclair
Publisher: DC Comics

This one shot focuses on the longtime DC character Solomon Grundy. After a bit of a flashback to the character’s in-continuity history, we come to the present where Grundy’s awoken once more after his latest death, but with a change. We follow him through a week of death and rebirth (and a fight with Killer Croc) until he’s confronted finally by a couple of faces familiar to him (and to us as readers) who propose fighting this curse he’s under while in a small window of opportunity to do so.

This is another well done one-shot worthy of the Faces of Evil “hype” and “event.” This is all about Grundy, offering us a look at the world from the character’s point of view while acknowledging the fact that he’s had a number of different incarnations in the last couple of decades at least, and building on that. As this is essentially set-up for a mini-series, one might be able to look at this as the tv-movie pilot for a special series coming soon.

The art fits the character and the story both quite well, and I enjoyed it. Kolins’ art seems to fit well with villain-centric stories, assuming I’m correct in recalling him as the artist on the Rogues’ Revenge mini from several months back.

This is a fairly decent one-shot; though as it is largely set-up for the upcoming mini-series, doesn’t feel complete: it feels more like a proglogue than a self-standing story.

If you’re interested in or curious about the character, it’s worthwhile–just be aware that it has a cliffhanger going toward the mini series.

Story: 8/10
Art: 9/10
Whole: 8.5/10

Green Lantern #36 [Review]

Full review posted to comixtreme.com.