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Retro Movie Star TMNT Out of Their Packaging

Several weeks ago, I posted about getting my set of the Retro Movie Star TMNT figures from Target. That post merely showed off the figures and collector’s box packaging.

I’m following up now to show the figures out of said packaging, actually opened and loose!


Starting off, here’s the new Donatello side-by-side with my actual vintage figure that I still have all these years later from the early 1990s! (The vintage one is on the left).

One of the first things to note is that the coloring is slightly off, as are the weird dots marking the character. While having them present fits, the exact (or nearly-exact) placement is off.

The biggest disappointment to me, though, is that Playmates did NOT use the softer/rubbery plastic this time around that they did with the originals. These new ones move easily at the joints…but lack that rubbery texture that was so unique and cool about the originals!


The new figures are slightly taller than the originals. I first thought it was the camera angle but on closer inspection I found that these new versions are indeed slightly larger pieces. Not significantly so, and not really noticeable without having them literally, physically side-by-side, but…there ya go.

I continue to be quite a fan of the shells on the turtles…I’m not sure why, but I really dig ’em!


Here’s the Super Shredder…the only real difference that I noticed myself is where the original is stamped with a copyright year and the 2021 edition lacks that on its back. This figure is definitely the star for me, being the closest, full recreation…enough so that it’s actually pretty redundant. But as a guy interested in having the figures for the characters, this is exactly the sort of thing I want from Playmates: new "printings" of classic figures, virtually indistinguishable from the originals. Since I just want to be able to own a copy, and be able to look at it and have it appear as the original, I’m good with having a recreation, and leaving genuine vintage originals to die-hard collectors overall!


Here’s the entire 2021 edition of the Retro Movie Star TMNT out of their packaging (minus accessories…holding the accessories would make these stick out big-time from the rest of the figures they’ll be displayed with!


Going a bit further beyond merely opening the figures and comparing them to the two "originals" I have…here are the two genuine Playmates-produced figures side-by-side with a knockoff edition Donatello.


And here’s the full Turtles + Splinter genuine 2021 edition with their knockoff counterparts.

The difference is much more telling with the side-by-side comparison. The knockoffs aren’t great, but they weren’t…horrible, either. For what they are.

That being said…being able to get actual, genuine articles for a reasonable price was something I was morrrrrrre than willing to do!

While I have no idea what sort of legal/licensing issues there may be with creator-owned characters and such that were produced as part of the original iteration of the TMNT figures line…for whatever tooling still exists, it’d be great to see MORE THAN just a handful of figures recreated multiple times over (with mere repaints)…and to see them just simply available as individual pieces. As otherwise rare, out-of-print vintage things…I’d more or less be willing to (at least grudgingly so) pay $15-$20 apiece for re-issued figures, just for the sake of having them. From Mirage characters and such that transferred to Viacom when Laird sold the property to various creator-owned characters like Ray Fillet, Usagi Yojimbo (Miyamoto Usagi), or Panda Khan.

To say nothing of some army-builder pack of say, 5 classic-style Foot Soldiers. The 5" Krang in Android Body. Non-turtle Toon characters like Burns, Vernon, and Irma. The Neutrinos.

And of course, a new re-issue of the Party Wagon would be amazing.

But I suppose time will tell…


Robins Update

It’s been awhile, but I have a new Robin in the collection. It’s actually been several weeks now, but…whatever.

I don’t even remember now how I came across it, but I was able to order it from Amazon (and it actually came in decent shape!)


I’m not all that familiar with this costume, or even if it’s "canon." The shape of the "R" tells me this is Damian, though, so not AS much preference on my part. I prefer the Tim Drake Robin…but have found that for me, to SOME degree…"Robin is Robin," regardless of WHICH Robin it is.


So this new Funko Pop vinyl joins a dusty display-top that is dominated by Robins, while sharing with some excess Supermen.

In their own way, these Robins are themselves "excess," not really fitting well with stuff inside the display case.


I’m keener to have the smaller figures and figurines and minis and such in a display case so they’re better ‘contained’ should any fall over or such and start a domino-effect or such.

But as of this typing, as of this post, this is the updated Robin collection (with a glimpse of some Supermen and some other miniatures and figurines).


Spawn…from Kickstarter!

So…last year, Todd McFarlane ran a Kickstarter project to do an updated version of the original Spawn figure from the 1990s.

It sounded cool, and I jumped in on it.

And then I waited…

And waited.

And operating on the understanding that it would arrive when it arrives, I was good with stuff.


Last week, my figure finally arrived. And I’d actually forgotten about there being something in the campaign itself about collector-friendly packaging. This is quite the complex, specialized/"white-glove" packaging, though…VERY high-end for the price of this thing!


In fact, this reminds me of an Apple product…where the packaging is a big part of the thing itself.

Take the slipcover off, and you have the box. And there’s a pretty ribbon to allow you to open the box without damaging it…


Then there’s a sheet with a checklist comparing this new 2020 edition of the figure with the original edition from 1994…and a certificate of authenticity.


Remove those and a foam sheet and you reveal the figure itself, nicely packed within its foam enclosure!


There are some extra accessories in the foam tray..I believe these are "stretch goal" pieces due to the campaign raising about 30 times what McFarlane had aimed for.


And here, finally, is the actual figure, as it would typically appear if it were a store-bought item, with none of the fancy boxing, packing, and so on…just closed into plastic and all that.


As with the original figure(s), this comes with a comic, albeit with a new cover, I believe. It reprints Spawn #1…but as a director’s cut. Definitely a cool artifact in and of itself!


The back of the comic shows off the original back cover of the comic that had come with that first figure. However, I noticed a typo…"This is the original add." Sigh. That should be "ad," one "d" as it’s not something that was ADDed to something. It was an ADvertisement.

Whatever. One word, BACK cover, the level of detail and prettiness to the appearance…the words aren’t exactly the important thing here..right?

It’s the…shall we say…IMAGE that counts?


Here’s the new comic side-by-side with an original–the Medieval Spawn, though. Just to show the trade-dress and such.


And here’s the figure out of all the plastic and on its display base…on the fancy box.


And a closer-up pic of the figure itself without the extra.

I reallllllly like this. Much better coloring and detail, and actual metal for the chains…I’m quite happy with this, especially for the price!

It was well worthwhile, and I’m verrrrrrrry glad I did not pass on this!


And then for good measure, here’s the new figure side-by-side with the original!

(Well, the body is my original…while the chains and cape, I believe, were from a loose copy I bought several years back).

I lack a pre-set display location for this…but it’s one that defffffinitely needs to be displayed.

And thanks to all that fancy packaging…this COULD be re-packaged either for storage or sale.

However, unless I explicitly have some other post saying otherwise…this guy’s "NFS/NFT!"


Too Many Unopened Figures?

My purchasing of various figures has vastly outstripped my opening of said figures.

For that matter, it’s outgrown my available display space.


I’d gotten the Age of Apocalypse wave of Marvel Legends last year, and 6/7 in the House of X wave this year (still looking for that 7th). I’ve also snagged some others "randomly" over the last couple years; plus the Rogue and Gambit retro-style figures. I suppose more than "random" the better word is "isolated." Citizen V, Thunderstrike, Doom and Thing, Genis-Vell and Mar-Vell.


Three of my favorite Mortal Kombat characters; these based on MK11 from a couple years back–Raiden, Scorpion, and Sub-Zero. SPAWN got a figure for the line (and a role in the game as DLC). For as much Batman-Fatigue as I have, other than The Flash and an Action Comics #1000 Superman figure, all of my DC Multiverse figures from McFarlane Toys have been Batman related. 3 Batman, 2 Azrael, and Nightwing. (And I’ll likely get Robin if I come across it for "retail price"). Annnnd a Warhammer 40k figure that just…simply…looked cool.

And I showed off the Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin figures a few weeks back.

I finally realized recently that I had stacks of figures…and decided to stick ’em on shelves so I can at least see what I’ve got. No plans of getting rid of any anytime soon…but another factor in getting so many in short order is the toy landscape these days where you can see stuff ONCE and never, ever again "on the shelves" and have to go to the secondary market if you don’t "snap it up" the first time you see something.

That’s a topic for another post sometime.

To answer the question posed as the subject of this post:

Too many unopened figures?

From a certain perspective, sure. On the other hand, as I joked to someone recently…I don’t have ALL OF THE TOYS, so…?


Weekend Retail Therapy: Sonic the Hedgehog Figures

Over the weekend, while still unable to locate the Marvel Legends House of X Jean Grey, or any NECA TMNT, or any Retro GI Joe, or any Masters of the Universe Origins (other than He-Man and Skeletor)…I did find a complete wave of the McFarlane Toys Batman: Curse of the White Knight with the build-a-figure Bane…I had those in my cart, gritting my teeth at the $80 expense…but checking the price of something else, happened to scan one of those and balked at the $24.99 price…$5 more than the $19.99 I was planning. Considering BANE is the figure I especially wanted, I wasn’t gonna pay that extra $20, so I went back to put those back.

And noticed the Sonic the Hedgehog figures.


While thinking about ’em, I was telling myself if they had these three–all three of them–I’d get ’em; but I wasn’t going to get "just two."

I flipped through the figures on the pegs…they had Sonic. AND Tails. AND Knuckles!

So (and as you already surmised from the photo above and reading this post at all) I bought ’em.


From the back of the packaging…I’m sure I’ve seen Super Shadow before, but I’m really not "familiar with" the character. The heyday of the property for me is the first 2 Sonic games, with a bit of the third. I had the first two, but only ever rented the third.


Multi-lingual box-back. Basically same back for all three figures, but the text is specific to each character.

So a bit of the cross sell but I still think they should do "profile cards" like they did for a lot of ’80s and early-’90s figures. What can I say? I’m a sucker for that sorta thing!

Anyway…nothing overtly special about these, except partly hitting nostalgia (I believe Sonic is 30 this year?) and partly consolation prize not finding anything else I was really actually looking for.


Alas…Legacy and Soul of Chogokin are NOT Fully Compatible

About a week and a half ago, Bluefin/Bandai had a VERY well-placed/targeted ad on Facebook…one of very few, but where–when done like this–I’m entirely open/receptive to.

They were having a sale…and highlighted the Soul of Chogokin Titanus.

I read some reviews and came to find out that this thing was supposedly essentially the Legacy Titanus, and was oh-so-proud of myself for "discovering" that it was PROBABLY something where they had this line separate from actual Power Rangers or Super Sentai or whatever; some kinda technicality in branding/packaging…but that with this sale, I could get the physical item I’ve long sought.


Well, at first I was gonna wait a few days, but then decided I’d absolutely kick myself if I "missed out" for the pricing, so with gritted teeth, I ordered the thing. It turned out that my initial plan to wait til my next paycheck WOULD have come one day AFTER the sale ended…so, reinforces the "better just buy it NOW" mentality (for better or worse).

When this arrived last Thursday, I was actually surprised (and momentarily a bit worried!) at how small the box seemed…but apparently this required a few easy pieces’ additional assembly than the Legacy version.


But it assembled quite well and looked pretty much as I expected…though taking some getting used to with it having the lighter-colored extremities!

A little less than 3 years ago when Toys R Us was closing down in the US, I came across (and purchased) some sort of Black Series alternate release of Titanus. It was what was available, it was a steal of a price…and I didn’t think I’d ever find a "regular version" then for under 6 times what I paid for the "Black" version.


Of course, maybe if I’d paid more attention I’d have seen there wasn’t SO MUCH difference. And it’s still a darned cool piece to own!


But these monsters are, from the outside (and largely inside, too!) the same monstrous beasts of plastic and metal!


The black is certainly black rather than dark gray on the black and gold one, but physically, these seemed to be the same sculpts, the same mechanics for assembly, etc.

And so over the weekend, I set about assembling the ultimate piece, some 11 years in the making for me since getting "into" the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TOYS.

The Ultrazord, in proper colors, would be mine!



The cavity within the chest piece that opens out from Titanus’ chest, where the Dragonzord chestpiece is supposed to rest/connect?

Nooooooot big enough. The OUTSIDE seems the same, the way it opens out seems the same, but it’s like this is specifically sized for a different version of the piece (the Soul of Chogokin Dragonzord I’m sure). But WHAT A HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT!

And it’s not EVEN like it’s the issue with the Dragonzord tail connecting…I don’t think I even realized it WOULD until watching a YouTube video. But this is almost a focal piece, very front, and center…and it’s NOT compatible.


Additionally, the piece that clips onto the Megazord chest–over the Pterodactyl–is the same size/shape…but lacks a tiny little clip piece, so doesn’t actually connect.

Two small differences–not visible and certainly not even a factor UNTIL YOU TRY TO BUILD ULTRAZORD. In this pic above, I took the piece from the Black Edition Titanus to minimize the gaping…emptiness.

So, Tuesday I went about "disassembling" the would-be Ultrazord back into the very nice, presentable Zords. Titanus back to dinosaur mode as pictured at the beginning of this post.


Legacy Megazord, probably the most iconic (and certainly MY favorite, period) Megazord.


And Legacy Dragonzord, which is probably my favorite individual Zord…even if it’s incredibly unnerving how easily this one comes apart.


Finally, to close off this post, here’s a photo of the Zords back in place on their shelf/display area. Yes, you do see the Tigerzord and the Thunder Megazord…neither got singled out for this post, as they’re a "generation" beyond the obvious focus of the original Mighty Morphin Ultrazord for this post.

As said…while incredibly disappointing to not be able to just have a great Ultrazord build to sit on the shelf…I suppose it’s probably just as cool (or cooler) having the much more commonly-used iterations of the Zords on display.

And perhaps SOMEday I’ll eventually complete the Legacy collection with a "regular" Legacy Titanus (I’m sure not likely to spend the $800+ it’d likely cost me now to get the Soul of Chogokin Megazord and Dragonzord!) I’m not even likely to spring for the Legacy Titanus, really…not with what I’ve paid now for two nearly identical versions as-is! (if I find an opportunity locally to Northeast Ohio for an in-person exchange someday, I might be willing to arrange a trade).

BUT I am still very glad to have a normal-looking version of Titanus on the shelf…that alone’s more or less "worth it" to me, given recent "retail therapy" going on anyway…


NECA Giant-Sized Raphael

While I’m not sure on timelines anymore, I think it was probably about 4 years ago that I came across a 1/4-scale Turtle; and it was a little over 3 years ago that I was getting ready to buy one when I got laid off, which thus delayed me a good year or so, until in 2019 I finally started my 1/4-scale collection with Raphael from the 1990 TMNT film.

After getting all 4 turtles in that scale, as well as "Movie Shredder," and never quite getting around to any Foot Ninjas; I’m "back in the game" so to speak, despite some other issues I have with NECA at present for non-quarter-scale figures. (Namely, I currently refuse to buy any of their non-quarter-scale figures of anything except TMNT as I’m not gonna buy stuff they have on good distribution unless I can get everything I want TMNT-wise). But that’s a matter for another post.

They’re killin’ it (in a good way!) with the quarter-scale figures! I first learned about and pre-ordered "’Toon Raph" in February 2020…shortly before the obvious worldwide "situation" hit and delayed pretty much everything.

Such that the figure didn’t arrive for me until March 2021…some 13 months after I’d preordered, almost canceled, and ultimately forgot about it until an email notifying me I’d just been charged (yikes!) and it would be on its way.


Here’s the front of the box. Like their other ‘Toon stuff, we get the cartoon color scheme. It also has some nostalgia hearkening back to the classic 12" Giant-Sized Turtles I remember seeing as a kid (but when there was nothing else in scale with the ’80s Giant-Sized figures, and they were as expensive or more than the Party Wagon…it’s no wonder I never went for those then!

I have NOT researched (even via Google) but I suspect this packaging derives some influence from those classic vintage giants.


Here’s the back of the box….showing the figure, the figure with accessories, etc. as well as a paragraph about the character, and a blurb/box showing the alternate head configurations.


Here’s a closer look at that paragraph…


and a rather cool feature for this line–these interchangeable heads! That is, apparently the tops and bottoms of the heads come apart and you can mix ‘n match to combine multiple eyes with multiple mouths to create an assortment of facial expressions! And they should work across figures, so where I think I’d also half-thought this Raph might be a standalone or one-off in the scale…NECA apparently does have plans going forward for the other turtles. And I find this to be something with some REALLY cool potential!


Here’s the top of the box looking down in…


And here’s a shot of the bottom of the box. A bit more than I’d expect, but I dig seeing all 4 turtles….and presumably this’ll also carry across the line…and has me realllllly looking forward to completing this set as it comes out…


Here’s one side of the box…


…and the other. Notice that each shows off a different face configuration for the character!


Here’s Raph outside of the box! Though it took me a few days to "get around to" unpacking the figure…as with the others in this line, this is absolutely a must-open for me…there’s simply no point (again, to me) of even having these if they’re not open and on display.

I originally thought the idea of this pizza-slice-for-the-sai was stupid…but once I saw it for myself…it fits, and I actually kinda dig it! We also get two other pizza slice pieces that I believe will make up an 8-slice pie once one has all 4 turtles. Time will tell on that (and whether there’ll be a pizza-box accessory at all…).


Here’s the figure from the back…


And a slightly closer-up pic of the shell. I don’t know what it is, but I love the shells at this scale!


And finally, here’s ‘Toon Raph temporarily (posed-for-this-photo) on a shelf with the quarter-scale movie turtles and some other turtles of varying sizes.

I actually have some shelf-reconfiguring and possible additions to find a good/permanent home for Raph here…as well as the others eventually. Add to that that I do not trust the figure not to keel over and take a header off the top of a bookcase, so I’m a bit more limited in placement with having to secure the figure with some fishing line for my own peace of mind.

But I suppose that’s something for another post.

I believe Donatello is the next intended release, due sometime this Summer. Also may be a re-release of the movie Foot Ninjas, and I thiiiiiink I’m hooked enough to try the quarter-scale BATMAN ’89.

Time will (ultimately) tell!


Weekend Retail Therapy: Marvel Legends Deluxe Infinity Gauntlet Thanos

Over the weekend, I had hopes of tracking down a Jean Grey from the Marvel Legends House of X wave.

Buuuut my heart really was NOT in "the hunt" or anything–across two days I think I visited two Walmarts, a Target, and a Meijer.

I did get a pleasant surprise at the Target, though in coming across a figure I had completely forgotten was going to be coming out: another Thanos.


This is one of those "deluxe" releases–larger packaging AND larger price than a "regular" figure (and no hook for pegs–deluxe/special enough to be put on a shelf, not merely hung on a peg like some common figure) <– (note sarcastic tone there).


It was honestly the top of the box that REALLY caught my attention, first, in passing. Since I was looking higher–the pegs–it was that familiar multicolored glinting effect of the Infinity GEMS (yes, gems!) that stood out and then drew my view on to the figure itself.


Some great "key art" (I think that’s the term? Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, maybe I’m not using it correctly) on the sides of the package.


And the back seems "typical" Thanos to me, with Death there kinda by his side, yet hanging back…influencing yet not deferential yet not equal.


And a closeup of the text from the back of the box there.

Not really much to say on this one except that it surrrrrrrre is pretty! I’m a real sucker for Thanos stuff–the character makes up an entire subcollection for me…on par with Superman and Robin as far as singular, specific characters go.

This thing’s a $30 figure…which is "only" $10 more than the standard $20ish for the Marvel Legends via Walmarts and Targets.

I’m pretty sure this is a re-release of the Walmart-exclusive one from 2-3 years back (albeit with an additional head?). Not sure if it’s really worth that $30 price tag, having previously been released AS a $20 figure in regular-size packaging; this one’s akin to The Thing or a Hulk, and with the number of significantly smaller figures that have the same price as beefier counterparts…it seems a little shameless on principle for this to be a $30 release.

THAT said…I’d rather pay $30 to get this "at retail" than as a marked-up price of a $20 figure second-hand.

And given my collection of Thanos…I wasn’t about to pass this one up!


Masters of the Universe Origins…So Far

On the one hand, I’m not sure exactly when/whatwhy I’ve gotten "into" the Masters of the Universe toys. I’m sure it’s some part nostalgia, some part OCD, and some part…I-Didn’t-Get-This-Stuff-As-A-Kid-So-Let’s-Get-It-Now.

While rather annoying–especially lately–trying to track down anything but He-Man and Skeletor via Walmart or Target WHILE keeping the price point to $15-per–I find these figures to be pretty darned cool.

A couple years ago, I snagged a bunch of the Funko/DC Primal Age figures. I recognized them as being akin to the classic MotU figures…but DC characters. I also snagged several Mortal Kombat figures from their equivilent line from Funko.

Last year I picked up several of the Masters of the WWE figures appreciating the mash-up of Masters of the Universe with WWE figures.

But then I found Skeletor. Had to get him, if only for the heckuvit. But then I had to get He-Man, too, right?

And then…well, might as well get the entire wave…


I was able to get the other figures through Walmart‘s website if I recall correctly; though I’ve since come across instances of the full wave available all at once as well as parts here and there.


I also had to get Battle Cat.


And then when he was available, Panthor because…I couldn’t not…right?


And then I missed the Scareglow and Orko wave apparently, though I still have some slight hope that they’ll get a general mass-market release. BUT I did find this wave at a Target, so snagged it. Some really beat-up cards, but while I have way too many toys still in their packaging…I have some visions of opening all of these and mix ‘n matching them in a display with those Primal Age and such figures!


And then, partly for "completion’s sake," partly for "Well, at least it’s SOMETHING Masters of the Universe Origins that I don’t have yet," I snagged this Prince Adam’s Sky Sled. It’s a bit more "futuristic" than I tend to think of for the setting…but whatever.

I’m a sucker for the branding and packaging, too, so there’s that as well!

These seem to be a great mix of classic-accurate and yet a bit of something mordern to them. Definitely a matter of the packaging REALLY helping to "sell" the figures…almost so I don’t want to take them out of the packaging! But again…I’ve amassed so many in-package things that the basement truly looks like some hole-in-the-wall store…full of comics, graphic novels, toys/collectibles, novels, and so on.

Looking at sites like Entertainment Earth and Big Bad Toy Store, it looks like some of these figures that I’ve already seen photos of people having in-hand (and selling for disgusting prices) are available for "pre-order" for coming months…so perhaps it’s a ripple effect from Walmart apparently having a several-month "window" for the figures in the US?

Time will tell.

So…this is my collection of Masters of the Universe: Origins…so far.


Retro Movie Star TMNT 2021

Playmates sure seems to be milking stuff on the TMNT front lately. There’ve been several re-releases of the "original" TMNT figures. Unfortunately, primarily just the turtles themselves, and maybe Splinter and/or Shredder. But other early figures–Slash, the Triceraton, April, Casey, Metalhead–early characters that I would not imagine would have any creator tie-ups (that a number of other early figures might) have not been re-released.

That said, there IS some sort of "villains" set upcoming–but it’s more "limited release" stuff that has to be bought well in advance and in bulk…and not hitting the shelves of any mass retail. And I suppose that’s a matter for some other post or rant.

Something I was not expecting was a set of the "Movie Star" figures. Of all the "turtles variants" from the Days of Old, these were probably the ones I was most interested in tracking down. (and a couple years ago, I had a heckuva time deciding between a loose Movie Star turtle and Hothead…went with Hothead since I couldn’t afford multiple figures at the prices).


So Playmates did this box set–the third I’m aware of (one previous was the originals, a more recent was a re-release of the "original Mirage" turtles and variants of the original Shredder and Splinter, and now this).

This Movie Star set is apparently a Target exclusive…and a "mere" $44 or so…probably for the leverage a big-box store can bring to the table.


Like those other 6-pack sets referenced earlier, these figures come tightly packed into a box with cool art–this time based on the subway car from the second ’90s film.


And we see images of all four turtles as we look around the box.


The bottom of the box tells you what’s IN the box…


My original vintage Movie Star turtle that I had back in the day was Donatello. I’d just had the figure handy in the not-too-distant past but couldn’t locate it to include a photo in this post, so that’ll likely be something for a future post with these, and out of the packages.


Raphael has become my "new favorite" as an adult–exceeding (matching?) Leonardo. I’m pretty sure I’d wound up with a second Movie Star turtle…but while I’m quite certain that it was not Michelangelo, I don’t recall if it was Raph or Leo.


OF these four turtles, Leonardo’s maybe the weirdest-looking to me with the dots all over standing out more than most of the others. They seem to have more contrast…and maybe I notice it more on this one than Donatello because of the nostalgia factor of my original vintage figure lasting in my possession to present day.


A glaring thing about this iteration of these figures–and where Playmates is "milking" the stuff–rather than re-do the original "Movie Star" weapons, they’re reusing these classic "weapons racks." Better than nothing, sure, but a bit of an anachronism.


Super Shredder looks quite good, and I suppose these accessories are a better fit. I did not remember him being part of the "Movie Star" set…ditto for Tokka and Rahzar (and adding them to this would have really made a bit of an "ultimate" Movie Star set!)


The weirdest one–and even more an anachronism–is this repainted ’88 Splinter posing as a "Movie Star." I’d’ve been great even with them using the 2007 film’s Splinter mold…even drop this one and Super Shredder to include Tokka and Rahzar for the set of 6. Whatever…


And here’s the cardback. Another drawback to this particular release is that these were put on generic cards. And it’s the individualized cards that (to me) really helped set the classic figures apart, and one of the greater nostalgic things for me of older toys vs. modern. This just reeks of the "modern" rather than having individual turtle profiles (even if they’d skimp and put Splinter and Shredder on a shared semi-generic).

But hey…for a $44 or so set; we’re under $8 per figure in a world where figures half the size of these (in bulk) cost upwards of $20 apiece, so there’s that.

And as someone who is mostly content and glad for "re-issued"’ figures over modern prices of vintage figures…getting a figure for $8 that looks and feels more or less like an original, and is a "genuine" product…I’m pretty ok with it not having travelled through time for the past 30 or so years.

I referenced a villains set earlier, so tucking a link to a local-ish (to me) toy store’s page showing it: TMNT Retro Villains Mutant Module 6-pack. Unfortunately, those weigh in at more than double the price of this set, which makes this set all the more appealing just for value. But the price seems to be all around…it’s the same price as the big bad toy store many think of for online stuff.

While I can’t guarantee I won’t get sidetracked…I will hopefully in the next couple weeks get a post up showing the "retro" movie figures with the modern NECA movie figures. Time will tell for sure, though!
