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First New Star Wars 3.75" Figures in Years

Back in December, I finally got around to watching the whole of The Mandalorian. Disney had even saved my spot where I’d left off–apparently I’d really only watched the first episode…though I’d thought I had watched 2 or 3. It just hadn’t grabbed me, back in 2019.

With some family health stuff going on, I ended up watching 15 episodes in a weekend–and it REALLY re-sparked my interesting/enjoyment of Star Wars.


So I–as fairly usual for me–had to get something tangible or "trophy-ish" for the show, and wound up getting a Vintage Collection The Mandalorian Din Djarin and Vintage Collection The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett.

And I think it’s been 20-21 years since buying multiple Star Wars 3.75" figures.

I really only have one large such purchase in my past: way back in probably Summer 2000, one payday a friend and I discovered a bunch of Phantom Menace and such figures and others cashing in on the film at the time on clearance at the local Toys R Us and wound up filling a shopping cart between the two of us.

These definitely look to be a step up from those, but made all the cooler because I hardly knew who Boba Fett was at the time and in the years since have come to appreciate the character and his coolness. I also remember when The Mandalorian was announced, I assumed it was gonna be some show about Fett; when it wasn’t, I think I just wasn’t nearly as interested at first.

Now, though…it’s cool just to have Boba Fett (old) and Din Djarin (new)…both Mandalorians and both with really cool looks…and both really cool figures on vintage-style packages!

Hasbro even puts the classic Kenner logo on them to add to the "authenticity" of the things’ appearance, despite it not really being an official/ongoing brand anymore.

Cool as these are, I’m NOT all that interested in diving into the realm of Star Wars toys…I’ve got enough hassle with NECA and their TMNT stuff and the new Masters of the Universe Origins line as well as all the other miscellaneous stuff I get.

Dabbler in much, master of few….or something like that. I guess.


A Year of DC 3.75"/4" from Spinmaster

Last year, I started seeing some new DC action figures from Spinmaster. (Also from McFarlane Toys). The Spinmaster figures are smaller–3.75" or 4" scale, I’m not actually certain which…but considerably smaller than 6"/7" figures like the DC Multiverse or Marvel Legends figures.

Due to increasingly limited shelf-space…and already having a shelf jam-packed with loose Superman figures–I didn’t immediately open the Superman that I got. And then I chased down a black suit, bearded variant. And then over the past year, I’ve occasionally snagged another figure as my eye’s been caught.


Having the "actual" Superman (Rebirth-era without the trunks) I’m not bothered by other variants. I’m actually hoping for a version WITH the trunks! I’m not overly-keen on Lex Luthor, but liked the appearance with the packaging and actually having the "logo" for his name. The "tech" Superman or whatever reminded me of the Cyborg Superman, so while obviously not that, I snagged it. Captain Marvel, Flash, and Aquaman were cool. After the Mattel 3.75 Infinite Heroes Wonder Woman standing out in my mind as one of those figures that would not stand on its own, I only got her figure to go with Superman and (separately) Batman.

But it’s been more than clear to me that Spinmaster‘s (and DC‘s!) HEART lies with BATMAN. Soooo many more figures, where the general DC ones seem–by comparison–to be token action figure presence to claim presence, perhaps to maintain a license or some such? Stuff over MY pay grade.


Robin (Tim Drake) is one of my favorite comic characters, and over the last few years I’ve wound up with quite a collection of Robin figures and such.I like to think that these variant Robins are intended to be the various characters–Tim, Damian, and Jason, at least.

I finally caved recently-ish and snagged the most NORMAL-LOOKING/most-comics-accurate-looking-to-me Batman. Nightwing and Catwoman for obvious ties to Bat-stuff.

And an apparently armored Batman putting me in mind of Dark Knight Returns, but perhaps intended more as Batman v. Superman. Whatever. It’s bulky and cool.

Then there were some of the big, bulky villains! Killer Croc, Bronze Tiger, King Shark, and Man-Bat.

Somewhere along the way, spotted Talon and figured for this line, and being (relatively-speaking) pretty cheap (1/3 to 1/2 the price of the larger Multiverse scale figures), I’d rather have more characters, so grabbed it. Same for Killer Moth. I even grudgingly bought Batwoman figuring she’d go well with a grouping of Detective Comics: Rebirth characters at least.

And that golden Joker…happened across that and initially figured I’d get it as "trade bait," but have since more or less settled on keeping it for the heckuvit, at least for now. There’s another Joker variant that I may keep an eye out for as well. Despite this, I still think it’s rather stupid to have limited chase variants in action figures; but all the more when they’re functionally UNPAINTED figures merely done in some alternate color plastic!

But as said…with this scale and the possibility quantity-wise, I’m more ok with stuff than I’d be if these were DC Multiverse or such.

And these are just "basic figures," without getting into any of the multi-packs and such that have even more recently caught my eye.

I see plenty of activity in a toy group I’m in on Facebook about the Multiverse figures…but I feel like I don’t/haven’t seen much of anything for this line.

Fine by me–if the only figure(s) being "chased" for this line ARE the solid-color-unpainted variants, that leaves more of the actual figures for me to be able to get without dealing with…shall we say…"resellers."


Photos From Home #13

Marvel / Fury Files 3.75″ figures
Hulk; Iron Man; Captain America; The Thing; Colossus (Wolverine & the X-Men 3.75″)

These are several of my favorites from the Marvel 3.75″ figures.  Hulk and Thing seem to me the best value for the price of these figures (though Hulk was a gift from a friend)…these two are relatively huge compared to the other figures in their line. (Ditto Colossus).  Iron Man and Cap of course are represented well here…I just wish I had a Thor to go with them.  Pikachu is left over from a keychain I had in high school…a remnant of my time as a Pokemon fan. (I couldn’t get him to sit in Hulk’s hand to wait for a poundin’).