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The Weekly Haul: Week of June 6, 2018

Once again, a decently-small week for new comics!


The newest Man of Steel, the new Batman, and because of having already gotten a couple chapters, the newest Deathstroke for the vs. Batman arc. And for the sake of momentary completion since I got the first issue, Demi-God #2. Not sure if this is a mini-series, but not knowing when I’ll get to actually reading #1, didn’t want to then have to hunt for #2…particularly with the likelihood of then being "stuck" with a wrong cover.

And the "first" issue of DC Nation…which somehow I didn’t realize was going to be magazine-sized, nor what it is. Because of the #0 issue last month, I figured it was at least going to be comic-sized. At least this one’s "free," and I truly don’t have nearly as much room to grouse about that.

Of course, I’m sure it’s not free to comic shops–they still have to pay for stuff like this.

I also bought a print based on one of the covers to 1991’s X-Men #1–the Magneto piece. I’ve already got it in a frame, so getting a proper photo’s not happening right now–either too much shadow or too much glare or too much reflection.

Along with the comic-shop run, also stopped by a Walmart for groceries. And per usual, took a walk down the toy aisle, figuring I’d start my hunt/quest for finding the Deadpool Wave Cable figure from Marvel Legends. Fellow blogger FigureFanZero reviewed the figure the other day on his blog, and really sold me on it, showing what an awesome piece it is.

The figure’s been selling for stupid prices online, and with distribution and all, I figured I’d have to visit numerous Walmart stores–maybe several of them repeatedly–along with Targets to find the thing. I had seen it somewhere in-person before and passed on it, which made it all the more likely that it was going to be a real hassle to find again.


But there it was, so of course I bought it. The price–and buying it at all–was made a bit more palatable by the fact of not having spent a huge amount on comics. I also saw the classic Deadpool from this wave. But since that’s apparently selling for a reasonable price online, I’m in less hurry for that. (Famous last words?)


And then on the way out of Walmart, spotted this plush Deadpool looking loose and on top in one of those "claw machines." My first try, the claw simply didn’t firm up (stupid machine!) The second time, whatever the machine was programed for, the mechanism of the hook had caught on the loop at the top of the character’s head…such that even when the claw opened again over the delivery chute, the thing was still hanging there.

So I paid a third time and the claw immediately dropped it through the chute. All told, Plush Deadpool was cheaper than a comic book. And quite the cool "prize." I’m sure this would probably be a good $7-10 off the shelf. Much cheaper from the "claw machine."

For this photo…one could say he’s been defeated by the black panther…Sarah the Kitty.


The Weekly Haul: Week of May 2, 2018

The week of May 2nd was an interesting one for comics for me. Not that big a week in itself, but the week did provide a couple of "firsts" for me!


This week had the release of DC Nation #0, kicking off 3 events. A Batman one, a Superman one, and a Justice League. I was also able to get a store-exclusive edition that I’ve been looking forward to…I’m a sucker for art like this featuring the shop-cat, Winston. I also snagged the Superman cover with an excellent shirt-rip, as it was "only" $3. I virtually never buy such variants, let alone one marked with such a high ratio…but while something 12 times the cover price is usually prohibitive for me…$3 was not prohibitive.

Then there’s the Action Comics Special, which gave Dan Jurgens a final issue to wrap stuff up before Bendis takes over the franchise. The new issue of Batman has the second issue of this Booster Gold arc. And the second chapter of the Batman vs. Deathstroke story in Deathstroke.

I wasn’t sure if I was gonna continue with GI Joe: A Real American Hero, but like the look of this Special Missions arc focusing on solo characters. Being able to get the "A" cover was also a good thing.

The final issue of this Rogue & Gambit series I think finishes off my Marvel buying in terms of new issues for awhile. I passed on Avengers due to the renumbering, and am so sick and tired of renumbering that I just have near-zero interest in Marvel, period, at this point.

An exception to that is the True Believers $1 issues.


I think the highlight of the week for me, though, is the Action Comics #1000 poster–in one giant sheet, it shows all 1000 standard/regular/"A"/basic covers from #1 to #1000. I promptly framed this, and mounted it to the door down to my comic space. The poster represents history of the "super-hero," of the longest-running comic book series, and Superman. It’s also extra-appropriate leading into a comic space, even though 1,000 comics are but a fraction of what I own.

It’s also excellent to be able to look at this thing up close, and visually track all these years, from my first issue at #651 to the latest in #1000. Recognizing covers from this event or that event; from when I was a kid, to a teenager; high school; college; grad school, beyond.

And I got this from Comic Heaven, the comic shop I have the most history with, period–going back to 1993 or so!


Along with the Winston edition of DC Nation, snagged the four-issue Heroes Reborn: The Return from 50-cent bins. Though I own the series already, these are a convenience copy for reading. No clue when I’ll get my main collection organized, so this means that at least for a time, I know where these four issues are, so I have more chance of actually getting to them than if I had to dig through umpteen longboxes to find my existing copies.

And hey…for half the price of a cheap new Marvel issue, I get this complete 4-issue mini-series/event! Really can’t beat that, these days! And this series represented the start of my first real foray into attempting to follow a large chunk of Marvel, albeit 21 or so years ago!


Superman Family Adventures #1 [Review]

Full review posted to cxPulp.com

Story: 4/5
Art: 4/5
Overall: 4.5/5