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Masters of the Universe Origins…So Far

On the one hand, I’m not sure exactly when/whatwhy I’ve gotten "into" the Masters of the Universe toys. I’m sure it’s some part nostalgia, some part OCD, and some part…I-Didn’t-Get-This-Stuff-As-A-Kid-So-Let’s-Get-It-Now.

While rather annoying–especially lately–trying to track down anything but He-Man and Skeletor via Walmart or Target WHILE keeping the price point to $15-per–I find these figures to be pretty darned cool.

A couple years ago, I snagged a bunch of the Funko/DC Primal Age figures. I recognized them as being akin to the classic MotU figures…but DC characters. I also snagged several Mortal Kombat figures from their equivilent line from Funko.

Last year I picked up several of the Masters of the WWE figures appreciating the mash-up of Masters of the Universe with WWE figures.

But then I found Skeletor. Had to get him, if only for the heckuvit. But then I had to get He-Man, too, right?

And then…well, might as well get the entire wave…


I was able to get the other figures through Walmart‘s website if I recall correctly; though I’ve since come across instances of the full wave available all at once as well as parts here and there.


I also had to get Battle Cat.


And then when he was available, Panthor because…I couldn’t not…right?


And then I missed the Scareglow and Orko wave apparently, though I still have some slight hope that they’ll get a general mass-market release. BUT I did find this wave at a Target, so snagged it. Some really beat-up cards, but while I have way too many toys still in their packaging…I have some visions of opening all of these and mix ‘n matching them in a display with those Primal Age and such figures!


And then, partly for "completion’s sake," partly for "Well, at least it’s SOMETHING Masters of the Universe Origins that I don’t have yet," I snagged this Prince Adam’s Sky Sled. It’s a bit more "futuristic" than I tend to think of for the setting…but whatever.

I’m a sucker for the branding and packaging, too, so there’s that as well!

These seem to be a great mix of classic-accurate and yet a bit of something mordern to them. Definitely a matter of the packaging REALLY helping to "sell" the figures…almost so I don’t want to take them out of the packaging! But again…I’ve amassed so many in-package things that the basement truly looks like some hole-in-the-wall store…full of comics, graphic novels, toys/collectibles, novels, and so on.

Looking at sites like Entertainment Earth and Big Bad Toy Store, it looks like some of these figures that I’ve already seen photos of people having in-hand (and selling for disgusting prices) are available for "pre-order" for coming months…so perhaps it’s a ripple effect from Walmart apparently having a several-month "window" for the figures in the US?

Time will tell.

So…this is my collection of Masters of the Universe: Originsso far.
