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First New Star Wars 3.75" Figures in Years

Back in December, I finally got around to watching the whole of The Mandalorian. Disney had even saved my spot where I’d left off–apparently I’d really only watched the first episode…though I’d thought I had watched 2 or 3. It just hadn’t grabbed me, back in 2019.

With some family health stuff going on, I ended up watching 15 episodes in a weekend–and it REALLY re-sparked my interesting/enjoyment of Star Wars.


So I–as fairly usual for me–had to get something tangible or "trophy-ish" for the show, and wound up getting a Vintage Collection The Mandalorian Din Djarin and Vintage Collection The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett.

And I think it’s been 20-21 years since buying multiple Star Wars 3.75" figures.

I really only have one large such purchase in my past: way back in probably Summer 2000, one payday a friend and I discovered a bunch of Phantom Menace and such figures and others cashing in on the film at the time on clearance at the local Toys R Us and wound up filling a shopping cart between the two of us.

These definitely look to be a step up from those, but made all the cooler because I hardly knew who Boba Fett was at the time and in the years since have come to appreciate the character and his coolness. I also remember when The Mandalorian was announced, I assumed it was gonna be some show about Fett; when it wasn’t, I think I just wasn’t nearly as interested at first.

Now, though…it’s cool just to have Boba Fett (old) and Din Djarin (new)…both Mandalorians and both with really cool looks…and both really cool figures on vintage-style packages!

Hasbro even puts the classic Kenner logo on them to add to the "authenticity" of the things’ appearance, despite it not really being an official/ongoing brand anymore.

Cool as these are, I’m NOT all that interested in diving into the realm of Star Wars toys…I’ve got enough hassle with NECA and their TMNT stuff and the new Masters of the Universe Origins line as well as all the other miscellaneous stuff I get.

Dabbler in much, master of few….or something like that. I guess.


1990s Aliens Toys: Bishop

I remember, as a kid, seeing some Aliens toys while out at some store with my Mom. I’d thought they were kinda cool, but she had zero interest in buying any of them for me.

I think I’d associated them with an arcade game that was at the local skating rink…it’s also possible that I associated them with a bit of a movie I’d seen when Dad fell asleep watching tv; it’s also likely that–this being Kenner–I may have seen commercials for the toys. At the same time–the more I do think about it–I may have already read the novelization of Alien3, and perhaps had already seen the movies, which may have further explained my noticing/taking an interest in these…possibly prior to my getting into the books based on the Dark Horse Comics series.

I recently came across a couple of the figures at a local The Exchange and for the price, went ahead and bought them…though disappointingly, they did not have any of the actual Alien creatures…just a couple of the soldiers.

I was also particularly interested in the "free comic" that was included, quite interested in what that was content-wise. I did not bargain for it to be a rolled up pamphlet with no real story that simply serves as a guide to playtime and/or other toys to get!

Anyway…here’s stuff with the first figure–Bishop!


The character looks like a "cool" android here, but not much like the film character. Considering these toys were (as I recall) marketed to kids, and (also as I recall in coming across them as a kid) found in the toy aisle with other kids’ toys…it’s just as well that there were differences as I doubt most kids that would’ve been wanting these toys would have been old enough to (responsibly) be shown such a violent R-rated film.


The back of the card gives a tidbit of information about the character, and shows off the other toys in the line–something that (in this quantity) I wish more toy lines would do to this day. Seeing/knowing what’s out there does a lot more than having to (or happening to) "research" a toy line and whatnot. Show off the other cool stuff and prompt the person with this toy to also want those toys!


While these were just into the early 1990s, they tried to (somewhat) follow the "clip and collect" thing (something I personally most associate with GI Joe and TMNT figures).


Also good to have some basic info about the figure without having to "guess" or "not know until purchase" and getting the figure out of the package!


"Space Marines," huh? "Space ______" sounds cool, I guess. Aliens "attacking," but no significant details. "heavy metal," yeah, ok, sign of the times. Generic text/"tagline"/"elevator pitch" for the line…rather sanitized, but hey…these were for kids!


The aliens look a bit blocky here…but still cool. I’d be most interested in the Alien Queen and the Scorpion Alien, though wouldn’t mind getting the other two!


The rest of the "Space Marines"–though I notice at least one prominent character missing. Ripley had to be included, obviously…but otherwise, apparently who actually wanted any females? I’m not sure who "Atax" is with the "disguise" suit; but otherwise, looks to me like a good mix on the characters generically: A woman, "only" a couple white guys, a black guy, and robot.

And perhaps that was one of the things for the film–quite the good ensemble cast.


And as with any ’80s or ’90s toy line…of course you had to have "vehicles" to go with the figures! Of these, I’d sorta be interested in Ripley’s power loader…though ultimately I’m not all that interested in any of these.

As for the line itself, I’d love to find the Aliens themselves cheaply, even "loose," though I’d be quite interested in seeing what sort of "story" one gets across all the included "comics" inserts.

And speaking of said inserts…here’s the Bishop one, numbered as "No 1" and apparently starting off the adventure!

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