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Masters of the Universe Origins…So Far

On the one hand, I’m not sure exactly when/whatwhy I’ve gotten "into" the Masters of the Universe toys. I’m sure it’s some part nostalgia, some part OCD, and some part…I-Didn’t-Get-This-Stuff-As-A-Kid-So-Let’s-Get-It-Now.

While rather annoying–especially lately–trying to track down anything but He-Man and Skeletor via Walmart or Target WHILE keeping the price point to $15-per–I find these figures to be pretty darned cool.

A couple years ago, I snagged a bunch of the Funko/DC Primal Age figures. I recognized them as being akin to the classic MotU figures…but DC characters. I also snagged several Mortal Kombat figures from their equivilent line from Funko.

Last year I picked up several of the Masters of the WWE figures appreciating the mash-up of Masters of the Universe with WWE figures.

But then I found Skeletor. Had to get him, if only for the heckuvit. But then I had to get He-Man, too, right?

And then…well, might as well get the entire wave…


I was able to get the other figures through Walmart‘s website if I recall correctly; though I’ve since come across instances of the full wave available all at once as well as parts here and there.


I also had to get Battle Cat.


And then when he was available, Panthor because…I couldn’t not…right?


And then I missed the Scareglow and Orko wave apparently, though I still have some slight hope that they’ll get a general mass-market release. BUT I did find this wave at a Target, so snagged it. Some really beat-up cards, but while I have way too many toys still in their packaging…I have some visions of opening all of these and mix ‘n matching them in a display with those Primal Age and such figures!


And then, partly for "completion’s sake," partly for "Well, at least it’s SOMETHING Masters of the Universe Origins that I don’t have yet," I snagged this Prince Adam’s Sky Sled. It’s a bit more "futuristic" than I tend to think of for the setting…but whatever.

I’m a sucker for the branding and packaging, too, so there’s that as well!

These seem to be a great mix of classic-accurate and yet a bit of something mordern to them. Definitely a matter of the packaging REALLY helping to "sell" the figures…almost so I don’t want to take them out of the packaging! But again…I’ve amassed so many in-package things that the basement truly looks like some hole-in-the-wall store…full of comics, graphic novels, toys/collectibles, novels, and so on.

Looking at sites like Entertainment Earth and Big Bad Toy Store, it looks like some of these figures that I’ve already seen photos of people having in-hand (and selling for disgusting prices) are available for "pre-order" for coming months…so perhaps it’s a ripple effect from Walmart apparently having a several-month "window" for the figures in the US?

Time will tell.

So…this is my collection of Masters of the Universe: Originsso far.


A Wave of GI Joe

I actually (finally) completed the first wave of the Walmart-exclusive(?) "retro" GI Joe line!

I’m a total sucker for these, as I never really got "into" the brand as a kid. I consider my "official" intro to be September 2001 when (thanks to my friend Lonnie) I checked out the first issue of Devil’s Due‘s GI Joe comic series. I lapsed pretty quickly–initially–but wound up getting back into the series a couple years later, thanks in large part to Lonnie‘s purchase of Master & Apprentice #1 which I should have "picked up on" as I knew he already had it. As we walked outta the comic shop, he pulled it out of his bag and handed it to me.

I then followed the new (from Devil’s Due) stuff for years, and was definitely keen on the IDW continuation (by Larry Hama himself!) of the Marvel series–including original numbering.

I’ve long been much more interested in the story–and the idea of the story–than the toys; particularly given the relative lack of toys for me as an "adult collector" while wielding "adult money."

I bowed out on the GI Joe Classified line due to frustrations with Target-exclusives, price point, and all the crap around that.

These Walmart-exclusive figures have actually been attainable! AND they’re 1/3 cheaper than the larger figures, and hit more of a nostalgia button for me.


Now, before anyone jumps on me for it–the Cobra Commander figure is–I believe–from a 25th anniversary line of retro-style figures; I bought it last summer because it was there and looked cool and, as it turns out, was a mere $2 more than these brand-new figures.

I believe there’s already a second wave of these, but it’s taken me months just to track these down–and I’ve had to "settle" for damaged packaging, both from the store and their online shipping, just to get these at all.


I’m not overly impressed with the A.W.E. Striker…but I am with the H.I.S.S. Tank! I’m usually not really one for "vehicles" anymore, especially with lack of space to display ’em properly (a large part of so many toys remaining packaged lately is that I flat-out lack the open space/surface area to display stuff). But the retro packaging absolutely "sold" me on the tank. The Striker is more for the "completionist" in me.

It seems a shame that Playmates doesn’t have a "retro" TMNT line out right now. They’ve been putting out some limited box sets of the oldest base figures, but I’d be all over a bunch of the post-original-first-wave of TMNT same as I’m all over all these GI Joe figures…and vehicles. Let alone the Masters of the Universe line! (Which will, itself, be another post sometime).


Rogue Two

Ok, ok…so that post title is a little off. Rogue One, Rogue Two…whatever.

Wholllllle different Rogue.

I (finally!) got around to getting my retro-style Marvel Legends Rogue out of her packaging. AND I had a spare stand, so I’m able to have her in flight/levitating rather than just standing pretty or such.


Not the greatest of backgrounds, but had the photo from sharing with a friend. There’s a stereo speaker back there, as well as the Lightning Collection Red Ranger helmet and White Ranger helmet. And bonus points if you recognize the poster!


I’d also recently received the Iron Studios Rogue Art Scale 1/10 statue. Apparently I had pre-ordered this all the way back in 2019, and it finally arrived.

Particularly compared to the Legends figure, this one seems a bit subdued color-wise, and a lot more "detailed," where the Legends figure is brighter and more comic/cartoon-based.

This statue is definitely not a figure–and cost at least 6 times what the Legends figure did–and is impressive in its own right. I believe this one is part of a numerous-character set that along with a $1200+ Sentinel can make up a huge diorama.

Unfortunately (but fortunately for my wallet!) I wouldn’t begin to have room to properly display such a full set, so I’ve stuck with Rogue here. Though I suppose a Wolverine and Cyclops wouldn’t be out of the question; nor Gambit. Except for the price. (Though I’d rather pay the price for a Cyclops statue in this line than a similar or greater price just because the Legends figure is "out of print"!)


First New Star Wars 3.75" Figures in Years

Back in December, I finally got around to watching the whole of The Mandalorian. Disney had even saved my spot where I’d left off–apparently I’d really only watched the first episode…though I’d thought I had watched 2 or 3. It just hadn’t grabbed me, back in 2019.

With some family health stuff going on, I ended up watching 15 episodes in a weekend–and it REALLY re-sparked my interesting/enjoyment of Star Wars.


So I–as fairly usual for me–had to get something tangible or "trophy-ish" for the show, and wound up getting a Vintage Collection The Mandalorian Din Djarin and Vintage Collection The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett.

And I think it’s been 20-21 years since buying multiple Star Wars 3.75" figures.

I really only have one large such purchase in my past: way back in probably Summer 2000, one payday a friend and I discovered a bunch of Phantom Menace and such figures and others cashing in on the film at the time on clearance at the local Toys R Us and wound up filling a shopping cart between the two of us.

These definitely look to be a step up from those, but made all the cooler because I hardly knew who Boba Fett was at the time and in the years since have come to appreciate the character and his coolness. I also remember when The Mandalorian was announced, I assumed it was gonna be some show about Fett; when it wasn’t, I think I just wasn’t nearly as interested at first.

Now, though…it’s cool just to have Boba Fett (old) and Din Djarin (new)…both Mandalorians and both with really cool looks…and both really cool figures on vintage-style packages!

Hasbro even puts the classic Kenner logo on them to add to the "authenticity" of the things’ appearance, despite it not really being an official/ongoing brand anymore.

Cool as these are, I’m NOT all that interested in diving into the realm of Star Wars toys…I’ve got enough hassle with NECA and their TMNT stuff and the new Masters of the Universe Origins line as well as all the other miscellaneous stuff I get.

Dabbler in much, master of few….or something like that. I guess.


Star Wars Angry Birds: Rise of the Telepods

darthmaulpig01I’ve been seeing all the licensed Angry Birds stuff for ages–ESPECIALLY the Angry Birds Star Wars stuff. More recently I’d been seeing these Telepods ones…apparently a sub-brand. On closer look, apparently they’re minis that have a digital code so you can “scan” them into an app; essentially “unlocking” the character at a specific time of your own choosing.

I’ve already been amassing a small collection of Angry Birds on my desk at work…some of the “eraser puzzles,” a stress-ball, a couple Mash-‘Ems, a clearanced plushie, even a giant magnet. So when I decided to check these out, they seemed a natural addition…with the added bonus that they’ll affect gameplay in the new Star Wars Angry Birds app.

Surely a ‘phase’ for me, but for now, I’m enjoying increasing my arsenal of these little guys, and mainly (presently) looking to find the Boba Fett Pig.
